New gkJune28th.pub - St. Raymond - East Rockaway NY

New gkJune28th.pub - St. Raymond - East Rockaway NY

New gkJune28th.pub - St. Raymond - East Rockaway NY


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PARISH BULLETIN BOARDMISSION NEWSWhat do all these people havein common?Lisa Caltieri, Mary Ann Lynch, Jane Pariente,John Kuehn, Jimmy Thomas, VitoPassalacqua, Deacon Rich, Sean Cruse, Fr.Mike Reider, Alice Glass, Dan Reinhold-Shor,David Lane, John Gavigan, Mike Ferrar, Fr.Tom Candreva, Ryan Grupp, Chris Griffin,Brian Armstrong, Ken LaRossa, Ralph Meyer,Deacon Sal Licata, Anne Marie D’Amore,<strong>St</strong>even Klein, Dan Rivenburgh, Sean Lilly,Deacon Tom Connolly, Sharon Grupp, LisaWeiss, Margred Weiss, Fr. Frank Eisele,Corey Eschbach, Tom Malone, Diane Page,Frank McQuade, Shannon Sass, <strong>St</strong>eveCavanagh, Dave Drlik, Liz Drilk, AnastasiaSchepers, Renier Schepers, Max McQuade,Jude Moraglia, Paul Pettas, Charlie Peknic, Fr.Gerry Twomey, Mike Leahy, Mike Murphy,Tara Page, Andrew Pignataro, Brent Thomas,Gavin Sass, Pat Arnao, James Arnao,Amanda Schepers, Tom Hickey, Ed Corrado,Carlo Balbo, Alisha Thompson, <strong>St</strong>eveWilhemsen, Andrew Lospinuso, FiorellaTalledo, Deacon Sonny Pagnotta,GregMonaco, Gerard Frusci and Louis Cosentino.They have all gone on a Mission Awarenesstrip to Guatemala and experienced thegoodness of our Mayan brothers and sisters.Seventeen of our parishioners will bejoining their ranks as they leave for Guatemalatomorrow!ST. RAYMOND’S CENTENNIAL29 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!On July 30th, 2009 we w ill celebrate the 100thAnniversary of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong>’s Parish. Plans forour 18-month celebration that will includespiritual, social, historical and fundraisingactivities are near completion. If you have anyinterest in being part of the committees or havesome ideas you would like to share, pleasecontact the rectory in care of the PastoralCouncil.The winners of the Parish Picks Drawing for themonth of June are:1st Place, $1,000—# 237—Gordon Fox2nd Place, $500—#386—Mr. & Mrs. <strong>Raymond</strong> Flaherty3rd Place, $250—#254—Evelyn ContaldiWe are anxiously looking forward to next monthsspecial drawing in honor of our Centennial. The bigextra drawing of $1,909.Very shortly you will be receiving informationregarding the next session of Parish Picks. Wehave a surprise for you. Please look for it in theFr. John Poku completes his assignment to <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Raymond</strong>’s on June 30th. He will celebrate aMass of Thanksgiving today at the 10:30amMass followed by a Parish Reception in theschool cafeteria, courtesy of our Parish HumanLife Committee. All are invited to show yourappreciation for his pri estly service to usduring these past three years.WELCOME TO THE NEWLYBAPTIZEDAlexandra CamachoSophia Rose CarnesiNicholas James DebonoKeith Ryan HalsteadJaelin Patrick JosephsLarissa Gianna JosephsNathaniel Francis KellyIsabella Grace ReynoldsLuca Battista SilvagniSaint <strong>Raymond</strong> R. C. ChurchPage 3

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STEWARDSHIP THOUGHTFOR THE WEEKToday’s reading from <strong>St</strong>. Paul explains the “divineeconomy” of stewardship “the relief of othersought not to impoverish you; there should be acertain equality. Your plenty at the present timeshould supply their need so that their surplus mayin turn one day supply your need.”THIS WEEK’S TIME & TALENT SALUTE:In gratitude for God’s gift of time and talent to us,we gratefully acknowledge and salute: CarolynFerretti for the wonderful job she did in organizingthis year’s 40th Anniversary Huckleberry Frolicalong with the Grist Mill Museums committee for awonderful way to showcase the community in <strong>East</strong><strong>Rockaway</strong> along with the Knights of Columbuswho always wet the appetites of frolic goers.STEWARDS GO GREEN!Recycle you used cell phones. AT & T collectsold devices for the Cell Phone For Soldiersprogram (www.cellphonesforsoldiers. com). Thecharity collects and recycles mobile phones toprovide U.S. Military families with free phonecards.Principal’s CornerSo tell me. Did anyone hear “thefat lady sing”? Isn’t that what’ssupposed to happen when it’s over?Well , s omehow, wi thout ourcomplete understanding, another school year hasended. Now the only ones left working are officeand maintenance staff (and even that may not beevery day). Let me tell you that if you needsomething from the school either come by on aWednesday or call the school number and leave amessage. We will check for messages all summerand return your call as quickly as possible.I have another reminder for all <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong>School students. Anyone who didn’t pick up yoursummer workbook can do so by calling the office at593-9010 and setting up a convenient time.PLEASE do not wait till August to work on thosehundred-some pages. Be sure to pace the work,doing a little each day. Remember there are booksto be read as well! Do your work and enjoy the restof the days!<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> School will be hosting theDEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE again next monthof Saturday, July 18 th from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM (halfhour for lunch). The cost is $50 (checks payable to<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> School). Please call the school toreserve your place. The course will be held in theschool cafeteria with easy access and airconditioning!Sacrificial Giving____________________________GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVINGLast Week $14,620Last Year $15,426Monthly Sharing with Bishop Christopher Cardone andhis mission work in the Solomon IslandsThanks for Taking-A-<strong>St</strong>epFAMILIES ANO<strong>NY</strong>MOUS: a support group forconcerned parents, relatives and friends ofsomeone who used mind-altering drugs and/oralcohol meets 7:30pm on Wednesdays at <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Raymond</strong>’s School Cafeteria. For more informationcall 221-0303.If you are celebrating your Wedding Anniversary,please let us know at the Parish Office so that wecan share this occasion with all our parishioners.DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSEWhere: <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> School CafeteriaWhen: July 18th (Saturday)9am to 3:30pmCost: $50Please call the school office at 593-9010 toreserve your seat for this Defensive DrivingCourse.Saint <strong>Raymond</strong> R. C. ChurchPage 5

Religious EducationThe Question asked—What are the TenCommandments? How can we obey them in ourdaily lives?Answer: God’s Commandments are—Most of us, upon hearing the parable about thefield workers and equal pay for unequalwork, agreethat it did not seem fair. Even after knowing that thelesson to be learned is that generosity should not bequestioned, we still feel the unfairness of the situation.Maybe a greater lesson to be learned is that life is notfair. Life is difficult and this truth must be learned, ifwe are to grow and develop. The earlier we learn andaccept this truth, the easier life becomes, sincesolving problems requires self-discipline and selfdenial.1) I AM THE LORD, YOUR GOD, YOU SHALLNOT HAVE STRANGE GODS BEFORE ME.(God must come first in our lives. We should loveand trust in God above all things. No one or nothing can be more important to us than God.)2) YOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THELORD, YOUR GOD, IN VAIN.( We should not curse, swear, lie or deceive by Hisname, but should call upon it when we aretroubled, or to pray, praise and give thanks toGod.)3) REMEMBER TO KEEP HOLY THESABBATH DAY.(We should worship God together and attendMass, especially the Eucharist on Sundays andHoly Days.)4) HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER.(We should love, and obey our parents and treatthem with kindness and respect.)5) YOU SHALL NOT KILL(We should respect and care for the gift of life andlive peacefully. We should not murder or harmanyone, nor use hatred, prejudice, against anyperson.Something to think about—next week, we willcontinue with the rest of the commandments andtheir meaning.Faith FormationSacrifice and the willingness to delay gratificationare necessary components of love, wisdom,generosity and other successes. If we can face thefact that life is a series of problems and often pain, welearn to face difficulties and develop an attitude ofdiscipline and sacrifice in order to problem solve. Ifwe are willing to spend the time necessary, we canlearn to overcome.Families, Communities, and Countries are builtwith much sacrifice, generosity and love. They arebrought down by self-interest, self-gratification and thelust for absolute power, which destroys love.Our Parish Ministry is growing and getting strongerbecause of the volunteers and parishioners who arewilling to sacrifice, share, and love. They spend freelytheir time, talents and resources to build this haven.We face, head on, the problems brought here, facethe pain of our brothers and sisters and know that onlywi th much time, effort, sacrifice, work, love, andprayer, can we begin to solve any problems. This is atrue community effort. <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong>’s is a true, loving,and very blessed Community.ST. RAYMOND WEBSITEwww.saintraymonds.org<strong>St</strong>op by and check out new pictures ofTeacher’s PartyDeacon’s DayNeeded: Flour, Cake Mix, Icing,Sugar, Cereal, Cooking Oil, CannedFruit, Dish Detergent, LaundryDetergent, Shaving Cream,Disposable Razors, Size 4 Diapersand Baby Wipes.Saint <strong>Raymond</strong> R. C. ChurchPage 6

:Centennial <strong>New</strong>sCentennial FlashbackSpring…1971<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> Parish was joyfully celebrating Monsignor Walsh’s 25anniversary as our pastor. As many remember, Monsignor Walsh’scontributions to our parish were many indeed, but among his most notableachievements was the building of our beautiful church and enlarging therectory and parish school.***************************************************************************************DO NOT MISS A MOST INSPIRING AND SPECIAL CENTENNIAL EVENT…thOn July 30, 2009 we will be officially 100 Years old!Happy Birthday to us!Join us as we process from the site of our first Mass at the Lynbrook Lyceum. Theparade will begin at 6:00 P.M. at the corner of Lincoln Place and Atlantic Avenue. Theprocession will proceed south on Forest Ave to Rocklyn Avenue on to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong>Church. Bring your family, bring your pets, and bring your<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> Parish spirit!MINISTRIES AND BANNERS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED!Entertainment for the kids will be set up on the back lawn from4:00 to 7:00 PM. After the procession you are invited to join us in a complementarybarbeque and birthday celebration!Mass will follow at approximately 8:30 P.M.And please save the date as Bishop William Murphy and many dear friendsconcelebrate the closing Centennial Mass onSeptember 20, 200912:00 PM MassReception to follow!Saint <strong>Raymond</strong> R. C. ChurchPage 7

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Masses For The WeekMonday, June 29thPeter & PaulActs 12: 1-11; 2 Tm 4: 6-18; Mt 16: 13-197:15 Margaret Pettit8:45 Liam CarolanTuesday, June 30th First Holy MartyrsGn 19:15-29; Mt 8: 23-277:15 George Bosticco8:45 John J. McCotter, Jr.Wednesday, July 1st Blessed Junipero SerraGn 21: 5-20; Mt 8: 28-347:15 James Mulroy8:45 Thomas HenryThursday, July 2ndGn 22: 1-19; Mt 9: 1-87:15 Special Intention8:45 Antoinette & Anthony Messina3:00 Megan Mills andJames Patterson (Nuptial Mass)Friday, July 3rdEph 2: 19-22; Jn 20: 24-297:15 Joseph McVay8:45 Margaret SimpsonThomasSaturday, July 4th Elizabeth of PortugalGn 27: 1-29; Mt 9: 14-178:45 Mass of Multiple Intentions:Rita M. Muller, Joseph Meidan,Dec. Mem of the Ydayach Alena Family,Fr. John Poku (Living)5:00 Charles OrandelloSunday, July 5th 14th Sunday inOrdinary TimeEz 2: 2-5; 2 Cor 12: 7-10; Mk 6: 1-67:30 Joanne Petraro Fisher9:00 Charles Orandello10:30 Augustino & Carmela Esposito12:00 Mass of Multiple Intentions:Margaret & Julian Miranda,Patrick & Bridie Quinn, Robert Keon,Lucrezia Curra, Giovanna D’Angelo4:30 For Our ParishionersPlease PrayFor Our Sick…. <strong>St</strong>even Miller, Janet Kelly,Kevin McGreevy, Gilda Raia, Baby KayleighLindholm, Baby Michael Angel Castillo,Sammy Campano, Baby Aidan Pearsall, BabyBrady James Hicks, Baby Nicholas AnthonySavino, Barbara Walsh Dryer, Veronica Dryer,Mary LaMonica, Patricia Friedman, TimO’Connor, Courtney Skeffrey, Gaspare Minervini, LisaRomano, Noreen Helmstadt, Pasquale Vaglio, BillSaar Jr., Aniello Anzulone, Paul Pisani, BeatriceMaloney, Andrew DonnellanNul, Jacqueline Curiale,Charles Schweigert, Brian Darby, Barbara <strong>St</strong>ephens,Ralph Bilotta, Domenica Cuscino (names are printed forthree consecutive weeks unless the rectory is notifiedotherwise.)REST IN PEACE6/25—Paolo Romano (83)ROSE FOR LIFE this week is in honor of theButler & Brosnan Family. For more information callMary Healy at 887-4062.MARRIAGE BANNSSECOND TIME:Teresa Pupa, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> andMichael Riginio, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong>Catherine Hansen, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> andNicholas Ventimiglia, <strong>St</strong>. JosephMichele Hardej, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Raymond</strong> andTimothy Carney, Little NeckTHIRD TIME:Megan Kathleen Mills, Our Lady of Good Counseland James Donald Patterson, <strong>St</strong>. Williamthe AbbottCongratulations to Donald & Ann Rainis whocelebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary onSaturday, June 27th.CELEBRANTSFOR NEXT WEEKENDSaturday, 7/45:00pm—Fr. Agnelo GomesSunday, 7/57:30am—Fr. Agnelo Gomes9:00am—Fr. Agnelo Gomes10:30am—Fr. Frank Eisele12:00pm—Fr. Frank Eisele4:30pm—Fr. Frank EiseleSaint <strong>Raymond</strong> R. C. ChurchPage 9

PARISH BULLETIN BOARDREMEMBERING OURARMED FORCESThe following parishioners from ourparish are serving in the armedforces. Let us remember them inthis time of uncertainty:William Thornton Jr., Private<strong>St</strong>ephen Ryan, Ensign JosephLeahy, USN, Captain Joseph McQuade M.D.,USN,Sgt. Craig T. Smith U.S.M.C., Chaplain MarkRowan, Airman Timothy Kelly, Pr. Kevin Kelly,Senior Chief Timothy Neary U.S.C.G., Lt. AndrewSchimenti USN, Cpl. Carlos Jiminez, CaptainMartin <strong>St</strong>eigler, PFC Adam Harrison U.S. M.C,Michael Kelly Coast Guard, Lt. TerenceMcCartney, USA, 2nd Lt. Kathryn CostelloU.S.M.C., Ensign Michael Lynch, USN and EnsignSean Corcoran, USN., Petty Officer 3rd Class,Lindsay Pelick, USN, Dr. Mary King., Sgt. TomSeifert, Spec. John Lerch, Lt. Col. Paul J.Sweeney, Major Patrick D. Sweeney, MasterGunnery Sgt. Pamela Smith Mannomne U.S.M.C.,Major Robert Franson, U.S.M.C., Cprl. Patrick J.Cash, U.S.M.C., Terrence Burns Ensign U.S. Navy,Major Susan A. Romano, U.S. A.F, Army &National Guard, Michael Gondek, Sgt. MichaelVitchers U.S.M.C.** We would like to update this list.Please contact the rectory with anyadditions or deletions. Thank you.ST. RAYMOND’S HUMAN LIFECOMMITTEESPIRITUAL ADOPTIONPROGRAMT here have been manyinteresting ways in which some participants to theSpiritualAdoption Program have implementedreminders to say the daily prayer. For example:some include the prayer for the pre-born babies atdinner time when the family is gathered at thekitchen table; others keep the prayer in their walletand recite it during their daily commute to work;some have taped the prayer to their medicinecabinet, car dashboard, television remote control allin an effort to remember to keep the babies in theirdaily prayer. Thank you for participating in thiswonderful prayer program for life.For those who were not able to sing up for theSpiritual Adoption Program last week-end, pledgecards are available at each of the Churchentrances. Please place your signed pledge cardsin the boxes provided. Next week-end we will placethe signed cards on <strong>St</strong>. Joseph’s altar; they willremain there until the feast of <strong>St</strong>. Joseph, which isnine months from our beginning on Father’s Day.Thank you!Date:Time:Place:Deanery VI Pro-Life Holy HourSunday, June 28th3-4pmSacred Heart, 282 Long Beach Rd.Island Pk.

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