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isexes,490 INDEXShell-mounds, ancient, in the Aleutianislands, 437Spruce, Dr., onTarapoto, 253number of ferns atShufeldt, Dr., on affinity of goatsuckerson inconspicuousness of tropicaland owls, 123 (note)Sickle-bill humming-bird, 321flowers, 264Stainton, Mr., on moths rejected byturkeys, 56, 63Sidgwick, Mr. A., on protectivecolouring of moths, 46Simocyonidae, 165Sitta, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Sittella, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126on the GreatSmyth, Professor Piazzi,Pyramid, 430Snakes, mimicry among, 72characteristics of tropical, 304Sobralias, 256Soil, heat of, 222influence of temperature on climate,223Solenopsis, genus of ants, 281Song of birds, instinctive or imitative,104Sorby, Mr., on composition of chlorophyll,395Spiders, which mimic ants and flowerbuds, 70remarkable tropical, 291Spilosoma menthastri, 63Spruce, Dr. Richard, on habits ofIndians of Peru, 107Stalachtis, a genus of Erycinidee, theobject of mimicry, 60St. Helena, 9Stick-insects, 287Stinging insects generally conspicunislycoloured, 52St. John, Mr., on large python, 305Size, correspondence of in tropicalflowers and insects', 406Skull, the Calaveras, 447Sky, colour of not mentioned in oldestbooks, 413Smith, Mr. Worth ington, on mimicryfungi, 397Stone mortars in auriferous gravels ofCalifornia, 445Streptolabis hispoides, 66Structure of humming-birds, 313Struggle for existence, 23, 25Sturnidae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127Sturnopastor, 123Sugar from palm-trees, 250Sun-birds, differences from hummingbirds,334Sun's noonday altitude in Java andLondon compared, 221Sun's rays, heating effect of, 221Sunrise in the equatorial zone, 233Survival of the fittest, law of, stated,26its action in determining colour,48Swainson's circular and quinariantheory, 34Swallows, various forms of nests of,114hummingbirds,Spalding, on instinctive actions ofyoung birds, 109Sparrow learning song of linnet andgoldfinch, 105Species, law of population of, 23 Swifts, resemblances of to333abundance or rarity of, dependenton the adaptation to conditions, and humming-birds, Dr. Shufeldt26diversity of opinions as to, 454Speed of animals, limits of, 160Sphecia craboniforme, 64Sphecomorpha chalybea, 68on supposed affinities of,337 (note)Sylviadae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 128Symmachia trochilus, 274Sphegidaj, mimicked by flies, 69colubris, 275Spices from equatorial forest - trees, Synapta, 136245TACHORNIS phaenicobea, 116Tanagridse, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127Tapir, ancestral types of, 165Telephori, similar colouring of two80

INDEX 491Temperate and cold climates favourablemimicked by orioles,to civilisation, 177Temperature of London and Batavia Trunks, variety of, 241-243compared, 221probable cause of flowering, 244of different latitudes, various Truthfulness of some savages, 200causes of, 221influenced by heat of soil, 222influenced by aqueous vapour ofatmosphere, 223not to be explained on utilitarianhypothesis, 201Turdidse, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 128of tropical and temperate zones, Turnix, 81, 132cause of illustrated, 226Twilight, short at equator, 232Tertiary gravels of Colorado, stone Tyndall, Professor, on origin of consciousness,implements in, 448206Thaumastura cora, very pugnacious, Typical colours, 374381Thecodontia, 164Therates, mimicked by Heteromera,67Tiger, adaptive colouring of, 39Times newspaper on natural selection,162Timor and Flores, white-marked birdsof, 388Timor and Scotland, climates compared,227Tools, importance of, to man, 174Toucans, 298Tree-frogs, probable mimicry by, 73abundance of, in the tropics, 305Tricondyla, mimicked by cricket, 69Tristram, Rev. H., on colours ofdesert animals, 37Trochilida;, 313Trochilium tipuliforme, 64Trogonidae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 125Trogons, 297Tropical birds often green, 38Tropical vegetation, concluding remarkson, 267probable causes of its luxurianceand variety, 268Mr. Belt on, 268birds, coloration of, 300green, 300dull-coloured, 301Tropics, most favourable to productionof perfect adaptation among animals,49not favourable to growth ofcivilisation, 177Tropidorhynchuslimitation of, 218aspects of animal life in, 309UPUPID.E, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 125Useful and useless variations, 27Utility, importance of the principle of,35, 89VAMPIRE-BATS, 308Vanda lowii, 257Variation, how influenced, 326studied by Darwin, 457, 460, 462Variations, useful and useless, 27laws of, 142universality of, 156, 150are there limits to, 159of domestic dogs, 160of pigeons, 160Varieties, instability of, supposed toprove the permanent distinctness ofspecies, 21if superior will extirpate originalits reversion then impossible, 29of domesticated animals maypartially revert, 29, 30Vegetation, equatorial, 238Vertebrata, mimicry among, 70Vipers, green, 304Vitality a cause of bright colour, 365Voice of man, not explained bynatural selection, 198Volucella, species of mimic bees, 54,70WARNING COLOURS, theory of, 361Wasps and bees, 286Wave-lengths of coloured rays, 355Weale, Mr. J. P. Mansel, on plants ofKaroo, 397

INDEX 491Temperate and cold climates favourablemimicked by orioles,to civilisation, 177Temperature of London and Batavia Trunks, variety of, 241-243compared, 221probable cause of flowering, 244of different latitudes, various Truthfulness of some savages, 200causes of, 221influenced by heat of soil, 222influenced by aqueous vapour ofatmosphere, 223not to be explained on utilitarianhypothesis, 201Turdidse, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 128of tropical and temperate zones, Turnix, 81, 132cause of illustrated, 226Twilight, short at equator, 232Tertiary gravels of Colorado, stone Tyndall, Professor, on origin of consciousness,implements in, 448206Thaumastura cora, very pugnacious, Typical colours, 374381Thecodontia, 164Therates, mimicked by Heteromera,67Tiger, adaptive colouring of, 39Times newspaper on natural selection,162Timor and Flores, white-marked birdsof, 388Timor and Scotland, climates compared,227Tools, importance of, to man, 174Toucans, 298Tree-frogs, probable mimicry by, 73abundance of, in the tropics, 305Tricondyla, mimicked by cricket, 69Tristram, Rev. H., on colours ofdesert animals, 37Trochilida;, 313Trochilium tipuliforme, 64Trogonidae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 125Trogons, 297Tropical birds often green, 38Tropical vegetation, concluding remarkson, 267probable causes of its luxurianceand variety, 268Mr. Belt on, 268birds, coloration of, 300green, 300dull-coloured, 301Tropics, most favourable to productionof perfect adaptation among animals,49not favourable to growth ofcivilisation, 177Tropidorhynchuslimitation of, 218aspects of animal life in, 309UPUPID.E, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 125Useful and useless variations, 27Utility, importance of the principle of,35, 89VAMPIRE-BATS, 308Vanda lowii, 257Variation, how influenced, 326studied by Darwin, 457, 460, 462Variations, useful and useless, 27laws of, 142universality of, 156, 150are there limits to, 159of domestic dogs, 160of pigeons, 160Varieties, instability of, supposed toprove the permanent distinctness ofspecies, 21if superior will extirpate originalits reversion then impossible, 29of domesticated animals maypartially revert, 29, 30Vegetation, equatorial, 238Vertebrata, mimicry among, 70Vipers, green, 304Vitality a cause of bright colour, 365Voice of man, not explained bynatural selection, 198Volucella, species of mimic bees, 54,70WARNING COLOURS, theory of, 361Wasps and bees, 286Wave-lengths of coloured rays, 355Weale, Mr. J. P. Mansel, on plants ofKaroo, 397

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