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488 INDEXOxyrhopus petolarius, 0. trigeminus,0. formosus, 72Owen, Professor, on more generalisedstructure of extinct animals, 164PACHTOTBIS fabricii, 69Pachyrhynchi, weevils mimicked byLongicorns, 67Paeciloderma terminale, 66Palaeolithic implements in NorthAmerica, 441Paleotherium, 165Palm-trees, uses and products of, 250-253wine, 250Palms, 248height of, 248climbing, 249Paloplotherium, 164Pandanaceae, 255Papilio, black and red group imitated,60pale varieties of, in Moluccasand New Guinea, 384Papilio nireus, changes of colour ofpupa of, 345Papilionidae and Nymphalidae, localresemblances of, 382Paridse, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Parrots, 293red in Moluccas and New Guinea,389black in New Guinea and Madagascar,389Passenger pigeon, cause of its greatnumbers, 25Patent inventions, asillustratingclassification, 162Pengelly, Mr., on glacial man, 442Phacellocera batesii, mimics one ofthe Anthribidre, 67Phaethornithinas, 321Phalaropus fulicarius, 81, 132Phasmidse, imitate sticks and twigs, 46females resembling leaves, 79tropical forms of, 286-288Philippine islands, white-marked birdsof, 388Phoenix sylvestris, 251Phyllium, wonderful protective colourand form of, 46Phyllostoma, 308Physalia, 136Picariae, 296colouring and nidifica-Picidae, sexualtion of, 125Pieridee and Lycaenidae, local resemblancesof, 382Pieris, females only imitating Heliconidae,79Pieris pyrrha, 80Pigeons, 295black in Australia and Madagascar,389Pigs, white poisoned in Virginia, blacknot, 389on instincts of newly-born, 109Pipes from N. American mounds, 427Pipridae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127PittidsB, 133Plantain, 254Plantain-eaters, 298Plants, protective coloration in, 396Platycerium, 253Pliocerus equalis, P. elapoides, P.euryzonus, 72Plumage of tropical birds, 300of humming-birds, 315Polarity, Forbes' theory of, 13, 34Polyalthea, tree with flowers on trunk,244Polygonum bistorta, P. aviculare, 404Polyrachis, genus of ants, 279Ponera clavata, terrible sting of, 280Pontea rapse, changes of colour ofchrysalis of, 345Population of species, law of, 23does not permanently increase, 24not determined by abundance ofoffspring, 24checks to, 24difference in the case of cats andrabbits explained, 26Portraits on sculptured pipes frommounds, 427Prevision, a case of, 86Pheasants, brilliant plumage of, in coldcountries, 342Pheidole, genus of ants, 281Philippine islands, metallic colours ofbutterflies of, 385Primrose and cowslip,coveries in, 464Darwin's dis-

INDEX 489Prosthemadera in the Auckland isles,408Protection, various modes in whichanimals obtain it, 50, 51, 136greater need of, in female insectsand birds, 80Protective colouring, theory of, 47Protective colours, theory of, 360Psittaci (Parrots), sexual colouringand nidification of, 126Psittacula diopthalma, sexual differenceof colour of, 353Pterosauria, 164Pterylography, 332Ptychoderes, 67Pyramid, the great, 430the great, indicates an earliercivilisation, 431Pythons, 304BABBITS, why white-tailed, 368Races of man, origin of, 178Rainbow, how described by ancientwriters, 413Rainfall at London and Batavia, diagramof, 228greatest recorded at Batavia, 235Raphia tsedigera, 249Rattan-palms, 249Recognition, use of diversity ofcolour as a means of, 154 (note)aided by colour, 367Redbreast and wood-pigeon, protectivecolouring of, 40Redstart, imitating notes of chaffinchand blackcap, 105Reed, Mr. ,on humming-birds in JuanFernandez, 328Reeks, Mr. Henry, on change of nestinghabits in the herring-gull, 115Representative groups, 8of trogons, butterflies, etc., 10Reptiles, protective colouring of, 40abundant in tropics, 301Rhamphastidse, sexual colouring andnidification of, 125Rhamphococcyx, 297Rhinoceros, ancestral types of, 165Ring-doves building nests in confinement,110River system, as illustrating selfadaptation,149Rudimentary organs, 17SALVIN, Mr. Osbert, on a case of birdmimicry, 75on the pugnacity of hummingbirds,319, 380Saturnia pavonia - minor, protectivecolouring of larva of, 46Sauba ant, 282Sauropterygia, 164Savages, why they become extinct,177undeveloped intellect of, 190, 192intellect of, compared with thatof animals, 192, 193protect their backs from rain, 196Saxifraga longi folia, 404S. cotyledon, S. oppositifolia, 404Scansorial birds, nests of, 123Scaphura, 70Science, debt of, to Darwin, 450Scopulipedes, brush-legged bees, 65Scorpions, 291Screw-pines, 255Scudder, Mr., on fossil insects, 165Scutelleridae, mimicked by Longicorns,69Scythrops, 297Seedling plants, Darwin's observationson, 467Seeds, how protected, 399vitality of, in salt water determinedby Darwin, 469experiments on transmission of,by birds, 469Sensitive -plants, 262Sesia bombilif'ormis, 64Sesiidae, mimic Hymenoptera, 64Sexes, comparative importance of, indifferent classes of animals, 78of butterflies differently colouredfor recognition, 367Sexual colours, 352theory of, 364Sexual selection, its normal action todevelop colour in both sexes, 129among birds, 154not a cause of colour, 369neutralised by natural selection,378Shell-mounds, ancient, in Maine, 435ancient, in Florida, 436ancient, on Lower Mississippi, 436ancient, at San Pablo, California,436

488 INDEXOxyrhopus petolarius, 0. trigeminus,0. formosus, 72Owen, Professor, on more generalisedstructure of extinct animals, 164PACHTOTBIS fabricii, 69Pachyrhynchi, weevils mimicked byLongicorns, 67Paeciloderma terminale, 66Palaeolithic implements in NorthAmerica, 441Paleotherium, 165Palm-trees, uses and products of, 250-253wine, 250Palms, 248height of, 248climbing, 249Paloplotherium, 164Pandanaceae, 255Papilio, black and red group imitated,60pale varieties of, in Moluccasand New Guinea, 384Papilio nireus, changes of colour ofpupa of, 345Papilionidae and Nymphalidae, localresemblances of, 382Paridse, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Parrots, 293red in Moluccas and New Guinea,389black in New Guinea and Madagascar,389Passenger pigeon, cause of its greatnumbers, 25Patent inventions, asillustratingclassification, 162Pengelly, Mr., on glacial man, 442Phacellocera batesii, mimics one ofthe Anthribidre, 67Phaethornithinas, 321Phalaropus fulicarius, 81, 132Phasmidse, imitate sticks and twigs, 46females resembling leaves, 79tropical forms of, 286-288Philippine islands, white-marked birdsof, 388Phoenix sylvestris, 251Phyllium, wonderful protective colourand form of, 46Phyllostoma, 308Physalia, 136Picariae, 296colouring and nidifica-Picidae, sexualtion of, 125Pieridee and Lycaenidae, local resemblancesof, 382Pieris, females only imitating Heliconidae,79Pieris pyrrha, 80Pigeons, 295black in Australia and Madagascar,389Pigs, white poisoned in Virginia, blacknot, 389on instincts of newly-born, 109Pipes from N. American mounds, 427Pipridae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127PittidsB, 133Plantain, 254Plantain-eaters, 298Plants, protective coloration in, 396Platycerium, 253Pliocerus equalis, P. elapoides, P.euryzonus, 72Plumage of tropical birds, 300of humming-birds, 315Polarity, Forbes' theory of, 13, 34Polyalthea, tree with flowers on trunk,244Polygonum bistorta, P. aviculare, 404Polyrachis, genus of ants, 279Ponera clavata, terrible sting of, 280Pontea rapse, changes of colour ofchrysalis of, 345Population of species, law of, 23does not permanently increase, 24not determined by abundance ofoffspring, 24checks to, 24difference in the case of cats andrabbits explained, 26Portraits on sculptured pipes frommounds, 427Prevision, a case of, 86Pheasants, brilliant plumage of, in coldcountries, 342Pheidole, genus of ants, 281Philippine islands, metallic colours ofbutterflies of, 385Primrose and cowslip,coveries in, 464Darwin's dis-

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