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484 INDEXHeliconidae, not attacked by birds, 57sometimes mimicked by otherHeliconidse, 61Heliconiinae and Acraeinse, local resemblancesof, 383Helladotherium, 165Hemiptera, protected by bad odour,52Herbert, Rev. W., on song of birds,105Herring-gull, change of nesting habitsin, 115Hesthesis, Longicorns resembling ants,69Hipparion, 164Hippotherium, 164Hispidae, imitated by Longicorns, 65Bolothurida;, 136Homalocranium semicinctum, 72Hooker, Sir J., on flowers of Aucklandisles, 408Hornbills, 298Horns of beetles, probable use of, 372Houses of American and Malay racescontrasted, 100Howling monkeys, 307Humming-birds, number of, 312, 319distinctness of, 312, 316structure of, 313colours and ornaments of, 314descriptive names of, 316motions and habits of, 316display of ornaments by males, 320food of, 320nests of, 322geographical distribution and variationof, 322of Juan Fernandez, 324influenced by varied conditionsin South America, 329relations and affinities of, 330sternum of, 332feather-tracts of, 333resemblance of swifts to, 333nestlings of, 334differences from sun-birds, 334Huxley, Professor, on "Physical Basisof Life," 207on volition, 212Hyaenictis, 165Hybernia, wintry colours of thisgenus, 45ICTERID.S:, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127Ichthyopterygia, 164Iguanas, 303Imitation, the effects of, in man'sworks, 99Increase, checks to, studied byDarwin, 458Indians, how they travel throughtrackless forests, 95Insects, protective colouring of, 41mimicking species of other orders,68senses of, perhapsdifferent fromours, 92wingless, 290general observations on tropical,291Instinct, how it may be best studied,91definition of, 93in many cases assumed withoutproof, 94if possessed by man, 94supposed, of Indians, 95supposed to. be shown in theconstruction of birds' nests, 98Intellect of savages compared withthat of animals, 192Intellectual power, range of, in man,191Interference colours in animals, 358Islands, influence of locality on colourin, 384Ithomia, mimicked by Leptalis, 59I. ilerdina, mimicked by fourgroups of Lepidoptera, 60JACAMARS, 297Jamaica swift altering position ofnest, 116Jeitteles, Professor, on various formsof nests of Hirundo urbica, 115Jerdon, Mr., on incubation by malesin Turnix, 81Juan Fernandez, humming-birds of,324KALLIMA inachis and Kallima paralekta,wonderful resemblance of, toleaves, 43-48Kerner on the unbidden guests ofplants, 466

INDEX 485LABYRINTHODONTIA, 164, 165Lakes as cases of imperfect adaptation,150Lamarck's hypothesis very differentfrom the author's, 31Land shells, experiments on resistanceto salt water, 469Laniadse, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 128Larentia tripunctaria, 46Law which has regulated the introductionof new species, 3, 6confirmed by geographical distribution,8high organisation of ancientanimals consistent with, 11of multiplication in geometricalprogression, 142of limited populations, 142of heredity, 142of variation, 142of change of physical conditions,143of the equilibrium of nature, 143as opposed to continual interference,144Laycock, Dr. on law of " unconscious,intelligence," 205Leaf butterfly, appearance and habitsof, 43Leaf-insects, 287Leopoldinia major, 252Lepidoptera, diurnal, 272Leptalis, species of, mimic Heliconidse,59gain a protection thereby, 137a good case of mimicry, 362Leptena erastus, 382Leroy, on nest-building, 108Lester, Mr. J. M., on wood -doveand robin, 40Levaillant, on formation of a nest,112Life does not imply consciousness, 209(note)Light, theory of, as producing colours,341action of, on plants, 396supposed direct action of, oncolours of flowers and fruits,406Limenitis misippus, 63Linnet imitating African finch, 105Lizards refusing certain moths andcaterpillars, 85devouring bees, 85in the tropics, 302Local causes of colour-development,382Locustidae, adaptive colouring of, 46Locusts, richly coloured tropical, 288Longicorns, 289Loosestrife, Darwin's researches onfertilisation of, 465Lophornis ornatus, very pugnacious,380Lord Howe's island, white rail in,388Lowne, Mr. B. T., on nest-building ofring-doves in confinement, 110Luminousness of some insects a protection,51MACAWS, 293Madagascar, white-marked butterfliesof, 386Madeira, wingless insects of, explainedby Darwin, 470Maine, ancient shell-mounds of, 435Malacoderms, a protected group, 66Male birds, origin of ornamentalplumage of, 374which incubate, 379Male humming- birds produce a shrillersound, 381Males, theory of display of ornamentsby, 375Malthus, Essay on Population, 20Maluridje, 134Malva sylvestris, M. rotundifolia,404Mammalia, supposed variations of,comparable to those of butterflies,386local resemblances of, in Africa,387Mammals, mimicry among, 76in the tropics, 306Man, does he build by reason or imitation,99his works mainly imitative, 113antiquity of, 167, 180difference of opinion as to hisorigin, 167unity or plurality of species, 168persistence of type of, 169

484 INDEXHeliconidae, not attacked by birds, 57sometimes mimicked by otherHeliconidse, 61Heliconiinae and Acraeinse, local resemblancesof, 383Helladotherium, 165Hemiptera, protected by bad odour,52Herbert, Rev. W., on song of birds,105Herring-gull, change of nesting habitsin, 115Hesthesis, Longicorns resembling ants,69Hipparion, 164Hippotherium, 164Hispidae, imitated by Longicorns, 65Bolothurida;, 136Homalocranium semicinctum, 72Hooker, Sir J., on flowers of Aucklandisles, 408Hornbills, 298Horns of beetles, probable use of, 372Houses of American and Malay racescontrasted, 100Howling monkeys, 307Humming-birds, number of, 312, 319distinctness of, 312, 316structure of, 313colours and ornaments of, 314descriptive names of, 316motions and habits of, 316display of ornaments by males, 320food of, 320nests of, 322geographical distribution and variationof, 322of Juan Fernandez, 324influenced by varied conditionsin South America, 329relations and affinities of, 330sternum of, 332feather-tracts of, 333resemblance of swifts to, 333nestlings of, 334differences from sun-birds, 334Huxley, Professor, on "Physical Basisof Life," 207on volition, 212Hyaenictis, 165Hybernia, wintry colours of thisgenus, 45ICTERID.S:, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127Ichthyopterygia, 164Iguanas, 303Imitation, the effects of, in man'sworks, 99Increase, checks to, studied byDarwin, 458Indians, how they travel throughtrackless forests, 95Insects, protective colouring of, 41mimicking species of other orders,68senses of, perhapsdifferent fromours, 92wingless, 290general observations on tropical,291Instinct, how it may be best studied,91definition of, 93in many cases assumed withoutproof, 94if possessed by man, 94supposed, of Indians, 95supposed to. be shown in theconstruction of birds' nests, 98Intellect of savages compared withthat of animals, 192Intellectual power, range of, in man,191Interference colours in animals, 358Islands, influence of locality on colourin, 384Ithomia, mimicked by Leptalis, 59I. ilerdina, mimicked by fourgroups of Lepidoptera, 60JACAMARS, 297Jamaica swift altering position ofnest, 116Jeitteles, Professor, on various formsof nests of Hirundo urbica, 115Jerdon, Mr., on incubation by malesin Turnix, 81Juan Fernandez, humming-birds of,324KALLIMA inachis and Kallima paralekta,wonderful resemblance of, toleaves, 43-48Kerner on the unbidden guests ofplants, 466

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