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478 INDEXBelt, Mr., on leaf-cutting ants, 283on an Acacia inhabited by ants,285on uses of ants to the trees theylive on, 285on a leaf-like locust, 288on tree-frogs, 305on the habits of humming-birds,319on uneatable bright-coloured frog,351on use of light of glow-worm, 374Berthoud, on stone implements intertiary deposits in America, 448Betel-nut, 252Bill of humming-birds, 315Birds, possible rapid increase of, 23numbers that die annually, 24mimicry among, 73dull colour of females, 80nidification as affecting colour offemales, 81refusing the gooseberry caterpillar,84why peculiar nest built by eachspecies, 101, 103build more perfect nests as theygrow older, 108on instincts of newly-hatched, 109alter and improve their nests, 114sexual differences of colour in, 123tropical orders of, 292how many known, 312influence of locality on coloursof, 382cases of local variation of colouramong, 387Bombus hortorum, 64Bombycilla garrula, colours andnidification of, 134Bombylius, 69Bonelli, Mr., on the Sappho comethumming-bird, 318Brain of the savage but slightly lessthan that of civilised man, 188size of, an important element ofmental power, 188of savage races larger than theirneeds require, 190, 193of man and of anthropoid apescompared, 190Broca, Professor Paul, on the finecrania of the cave men, 189Bryophila glandifera and B. perla protectivelycoloured, 46Bucerotidae, sexual colouring andnidification of, 125Bucconidae, sexual colouring andnidification of, 125Buff -tip moth, resembles a brokentick, 45Buildings of various races do notchange, 99Bullock on food of humming-birds,320Buprestidae, resembling bird's dung,42similar colours in two sexes, 80in tropical forests, 289Burchell, Dr., on the "stone mesembryanthemum,"396Butterflies, abundance of, in tropicalforests, 272conspicuousness in tropical forests,273colours and form of, 273peculiar habits of tropical, 275tropical and temperate comparedas to colour, 342females do not choose their partners,370with gaily coloured females, 373influence of locality on colours of,382Buttressed trees, 241CACIA anthriboides, 67Caelogynes, 257Calamus, 249Calaveras skull found in auriferousgravel, 447California, auriferous gravels of, 442Callithea, imitated by species of Catagrammaand Agrias, 383Callithea markii, 274Callizona acesta, protective colouringof, 43Calornis, 123Campylopterus hemileucurus pugnaciousand ornamental, 380Capitonidae, sexual colouring andnidification of, 125Capnolymma stygium, 67Carabidae, special protection among,52similar colouring of two sexes, 80

INDEX 479Cassidae, resemble dew-drops, 42Caterpillars, mimicking a poisonoussnake, 70gaudy colours of, 82various modes of protection of,83gooseberry caterpillar, 84Mr. Jenner Weir's observationson, 84Mr. A. G. Butler's observationson, 85Cattleyas, 257Cecropias, trees inhabited by ants, 285Celebes, large and peculiarly formedbutterflies of, 385white-marked birds of, 388Centipedes, 291Centropus, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 125Cephalodonta spinipes, 66Ceroxylus laceratus, imitates a mosscoveredstick, 47Certhiola, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127Cetoniadse, how protected, 53similar colours of two sexes, 80Chaffinch, curious nest built by, inNew Zealand, 111Chameleon, cause of changes of itscolour, 347Chameleons, 303Charis melipona, 68Chematobia, wintry colours of thisgenus, 45Chemical action changes colours, 357Chili, humming-birds of, 324Chiroptera, 307Chlamys pilula, resembles dung ofcaterpillars, 42Chrysididse, how protected, 52Chrysobactron Rossii, 408Chrysomelidae, similar colouring oftwo sexes, 80Cicindela, adaptive colour of variousspecies of, 42Cilix compressa, resembles bird'sdung, 46Cladobates, mimicking squirrels, 76Claparede, M., criticism on Mr.Wallace's views as to origin of man,205 (note)Clark, Rev. Hamlet, on leaf-cuttingants, 282Classification, form of true, 6circular, inadmissible, 7quinarian and circular, of Swainson,34argument from, against Mr. Darwin,162Climacteris, sexual colouring andnidification of, 126Climate of Equator, general featuresof, 229Climates of Timor, Angola, and Scotlandcompared, 227Climbing plants of tropical forests,246uses of, 247Coccinellidae, how protected, 52similar colouring of sexes, 80Cockatoos, 293Cocos islands visited by Darwin, 456Collyrodes lacordairei, 67Coloration of tropical birds, 300Colour, in animals, popular theoriesof, 36frequent variations of, in domesticatedanimals, 36influenced by need of concealment,37in deserts, 37in arctic regions, 37, 38nocturnal, 38tropical, 38special modifications of, 39different distribution of, in butterfliesand moths, 43of autumnal and winter moths, 45white, generally dangerous andtherefore eliminated, 48why it exists so abundantlyalthough often injurious, 50influenced by need of protection,80of female birds, 80in relation to nidification of birds,81gaudy colours of many caterpillars,82in nature, general causes of, 88sexual differences of, in birds, 123in female birds, how connectedwith their nidification, 124, 128more variable than structure orhabits, and therefore moreeasily modified, 130

INDEX 479Cassidae, resemble dew-drops, 42Caterpillars, mimicking a poisonoussnake, 70gaudy colours of, 82various modes of protection of,83gooseberry caterpillar, 84Mr. Jenner Weir's observationson, 84Mr. A. G. Butler's observationson, 85Cattleyas, 257Cecropias, trees inhabited by ants, 285Celebes, large and peculiarly formedbutterflies of, 385white-marked birds of, 388Centipedes, 291Centropus, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 125Cephalodonta spinipes, 66Ceroxylus laceratus, imitates a mosscoveredstick, 47Certhiola, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 127Cetoniadse, how protected, 53similar colours of two sexes, 80Chaffinch, curious nest built by, inNew Zealand, 111Chameleon, cause of changes of itscolour, 347Chameleons, 303Charis melipona, 68Chematobia, wintry colours of thisgenus, 45Chemical action changes colours, 357Chili, humming-birds of, 324Chiroptera, 307Chlamys pilula, resembles dung ofcaterpillars, 42Chrysididse, how protected, 52Chrysobactron Rossii, 408Chrysomelidae, similar colouring oftwo sexes, 80Cicindela, adaptive colour of variousspecies of, 42Cilix compressa, resembles bird'sdung, 46Cladobates, mimicking squirrels, 76Claparede, M., criticism on Mr.<strong>Wallace</strong>'s views as to origin of man,205 (note)Clark, Rev. Hamlet, on leaf-cuttingants, 282Classification, form of true, 6circular, inadmissible, 7quinarian and circular, of Swainson,34argument from, against Mr. Darwin,162Climacteris, sexual colouring andnidification of, 126Climate of Equator, general featuresof, 229Climates of Timor, Angola, and Scotlandcompared, 227Climbing plants of tropical forests,246uses of, 247Coccinellidae, how protected, 52similar colouring of sexes, 80Cockatoos, 293Cocos islands visited by Darwin, 456Collyrodes lacordairei, 67Coloration of tropical birds, 300Colour, in animals, popular theoriesof, 36frequent variations of, in domesticatedanimals, 36influenced by need of concealment,37in deserts, 37in arctic regions, 37, 38nocturnal, 38tropical, 38special modifications of, 39different distribution of, in butterfliesand moths, 43of autumnal and winter moths, 45white, generally dangerous andtherefore eliminated, 48why it exists so abundantlyalthough often injurious, 50influenced by need of protection,80of female birds, 80in relation to nidification of birds,81gaudy colours of many caterpillars,82in nature, general causes of, 88sexual differences of, in birds, 123in female birds, how connectedwith their nidification, 124, 128more variable than structure orhabits, and therefore moreeasily modified, 130

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