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INDEXABBOTT, C. C., on American palaeolithicimplements, 441Abbott, Dr., on nests of Baltimoreoriole, 114Abraxas grossulariata, 84Abrus precatoria, perhaps a case ofmimicry, 399Absorption-colours or pigments, 357Acanthotritus dorsalis, 67Accipiter pileatus, 75Acraeidae, the subjects of mimicry, 61warning colours of, 350Acronycta psi, protective colouring of,45Adaptation brought about by generallaws, 149looks like design, 152Adaptive characters, 331, 335JEgeriidae, mimic Hymenoptera, 64Affinities, how to determine doubtful,330Agassiz on embryonic character ofancient animals, 165Agnia fasciata, mimics another Longicorn,68Agriopis aprilina, protective colouringof, 45Alcedinidae, sexual colouring andnidification of, 124Aleutian islands, ancient shell moundsin, 437Allen, Mr. Grant, on protectivecolours of fruits, 398Alpine flowers, why so beautiful, 403Amadina, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Amboyna, large -sized butterflies of,385American monkeys, 306Ampelidae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Ancient races of North and SouthAmerica, 429Ancylotherium, 165Andaman islands, pale butterflies of,386white-marked birds of, 388Anderson, Mr. W. Marshall, oncranium from N. American mound,428Andes, very rich in humming-birds, 323Andrenidae, 70Angrsecum sesquipedale, 146its fertilisation by a large moth,148Animal colours, how produced, 357life in tropical forests, 271Animals, senses and faculties of, 89intellect of, compared with thatof savages, 192and plants under domestication,an example of Darwin's research,459Anisocerinae, 66Anoplotherium, 165Anthribidaj, 290mimicry of, 67Anthrocera filipendulae, 84Anthropologists, wide difference ofopinion among, as to origin ofhuman races, 167conflicting views of, harmonised,179Antiquity of man, 167, 180in North America, 433Ants, wasps, and bees, 278numbers of, in India and Malaya,278, 283

INDEX 477Ants, destructive to insect-specimens,281Barbets, 297Bark, varieties in tropical forests, 243and vegetation, special relation Barometer, range of, at Batavia, 234between, 284Apathus, 70Apatura and Heterochroa, resemblanceof species of, 384Barrington, Hon. Daines, on song ofbirds, 104on danger of song and gay plumagebirds, 138Batavia, meteorology of, 219Apparent exceptions to law of colour and London, diagram of meanand nidification, 133Aquatic birds, why abundant, 25temperatures, 220greatest rainfall at, 235Aqueous vapour of atmosphere, its range of barometer at, 234influence on temperature, 223 Bates, Mr., first adopted the wordquantity at Batavia and Clifton,224Archaeopteryx, 165Archegosaurus, 165Architecture of most nations derivative,113"mimicry," 54his observations on Leptalis andHeliconidae, 59paper explaining the theoryof mimicry, 5976objections theory,Grecian, false in principle, 114Arctic animals, white colour of, 37, 38on recent immigrationzonian Indians, 100of Ama-plants, large leaves of, 407on climate at the equator, 235flowers and fruits brightly on scarcity of forest-flowers oncoloured, 407Areca palm, 252Arenga saccharifera, 250Amazon, 264on animal life in Amazon valley,271Argus-pheasant, wonderful plumage on abundance of butterflies at Ega,of, 374274Argyll, Duke of, on colours of woodcock,on importance of study of butter-39flies, 277on mind in nature, 141on leaf-cutting ants, 282criticism on Darwin's works, on blind ants, 284144on bird-catching spider, 291on humming-birds, 153on creation by birth, 156Arums, 254Asilus, 69on use of Toucan's bill, 298on large serpents, 304on the habits of humming-birds,318Aspects of nature as influencing man's Bats, 307development, 176Bayma, Mr. on " Molecular Mechanics,"208,Assai of the Amazon, 250Auckland isles, handsome flowers of, Beagle, Darwin's voyage in, 455408Beauty in nature, 153Audubon, on the ruby hummingbirds,317, 322of flowers useful to them, 155not universal, 155Azara, on food of humming-birds, 320 not given for its own sake, 156Beetles, 288BALANCE in nature, 32Bamboos, 257uses of, 258-262Banana, 254Bananas, wild, 254Barber, Mrs., on colour changes ofpupa of Papilio nireus, 345abundance of, in new forest clearings,290probable use of horns of, 372Belt, Mr., on virgin forests of Nicaragua,265on aspects of tropical vegetation,

INDEX 477Ants, destructive to insect-specimens,281Barbets, 297Bark, varieties in tropical forests, 243and vegetation, special relation Barometer, range of, at Batavia, 234between, 284Apathus, 70Apatura and Heterochroa, resemblanceof species of, 384Barrington, Hon. Daines, on song ofbirds, 104on danger of song and gay plumagebirds, 138Batavia, meteorology of, 219Apparent exceptions to law of colour and London, diagram of meanand nidification, 133Aquatic birds, why abundant, 25temperatures, 220greatest rainfall at, 235Aqueous vapour of atmosphere, its range of barometer at, 234influence on temperature, 223 Bates, Mr., first adopted the wordquantity at Batavia and Clifton,224Archaeopteryx, 165Archegosaurus, 165Architecture of most nations derivative,113"mimicry," 54his observations on Leptalis andHeliconidae, 59paper explaining the theoryof mimicry, 5976objections theory,Grecian, false in principle, 114Arctic animals, white colour of, 37, 38on recent immigrationzonian Indians, 100of Ama-plants, large leaves of, 407on climate at the equator, 235flowers and fruits brightly on scarcity of forest-flowers oncoloured, 407Areca palm, 252Arenga saccharifera, 250Amazon, 264on animal life in Amazon valley,271Argus-pheasant, wonderful plumage on abundance of butterflies at Ega,of, 374274Argyll, Duke of, on colours of woodcock,on importance of study of butter-39flies, 277on mind in nature, 141on leaf-cutting ants, 282criticism on Darwin's works, on blind ants, 284144on bird-catching spider, 291on humming-birds, 153on creation by birth, 156Arums, 254Asilus, 69on use of Toucan's bill, 298on large serpents, 304on the habits of humming-birds,318Aspects of nature as influencing man's Bats, 307development, 176Bayma, Mr. on " Molecular Mechanics,"208,Assai of the Amazon, 250Auckland isles, handsome flowers of, Beagle, Darwin's voyage in, 455408Beauty in nature, 153Audubon, on the ruby hummingbirds,317, 322of flowers useful to them, 155not universal, 155Azara, on food of humming-birds, 320 not given for its own sake, 156Beetles, 288BALANCE in nature, 32Bamboos, 257uses of, 258-262Banana, 254Bananas, wild, 254Barber, Mrs., on colour changes ofpupa of Papilio nireus, 345abundance of, in new forest clearings,290probable use of horns of, 372Belt, Mr., on virgin forests of Nicaragua,265on aspects of tropical vegetation,

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