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INDEXABBOTT, C. C., on American palaeolithicimplements, 441Abbott, Dr., on nests of Baltimoreoriole, 114Abraxas grossulariata, 84Abrus precatoria, perhaps a case ofmimicry, 399Absorption-colours or pigments, 357Acanthotritus dorsalis, 67Accipiter pileatus, 75Acraeidae, the subjects of mimicry, 61warning colours of, 350Acronycta psi, protective colouring of,45Adaptation brought about by generallaws, 149looks like design, 152Adaptive characters, 331, 335JEgeriidae, mimic Hymenoptera, 64Affinities, how to determine doubtful,330Agassiz on embryonic character ofancient animals, 165Agnia fasciata, mimics another Longicorn,68Agriopis aprilina, protective colouringof, 45Alcedinidae, sexual colouring andnidification of, 124Aleutian islands, ancient shell moundsin, 437Allen, Mr. Grant, on protectivecolours of fruits, 398Alpine flowers, why so beautiful, 403Amadina, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Amboyna, large -sized butterflies of,385American monkeys, 306Ampelidae, sexual colouring and nidificationof, 126Ancient races of North and SouthAmerica, 429Ancylotherium, 165Andaman islands, pale butterflies of,386white-marked birds of, 388Anderson, Mr. W. Marshall, oncranium from N. American mound,428Andes, very rich in humming-birds, 323Andrenidae, 70Angrsecum sesquipedale, 146its fertilisation by a large moth,148Animal colours, how produced, 357life in tropical forests, 271Animals, senses and faculties of, 89intellect of, compared with thatof savages, 192and plants under domestication,an example of Darwin's research,459Anisocerinae, 66Anoplotherium, 165Anthribidaj, 290mimicry of, 67Anthrocera filipendulae, 84Anthropologists, wide difference ofopinion among, as to origin ofhuman races, 167conflicting views of, harmonised,179Antiquity of man, 167, 180in North America, 433Ants, wasps, and bees, 278numbers of, in India and Malaya,278, 283

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