PDF - Wallace Online

PDF - Wallace Online

PDF - Wallace Online


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ix THE DEBT OF SCIENCE TO DARWIN 465After a considerable amount of observation and experiment,he found that bees and moths visited the flowers, and thattheir probosces became covered with pollen while sucking upthe nectar, and further, that the pollen of a long-stamenedplant would be most surely deposited on the stigma of thelong-styled plants, and vice versd. Now followed a long seriesof experiments, in which cowslips were fertilised either withpollen from the same kind or from a different kind of flower,and the invariable result was that the crosses between thetwo different kinds of flowers produced more good capsules,and more seeds in each capsule ;and as these crosses wouldbe most frequently effected by insects, it was clear that thiscurious arrangement directly served to increase the fertilityof this common plant.The same thing was found to occur in the primrose, andinmany other species of primulacese, as well as in flax (Linumperenne), lungworts (Pulmonaria), and a host of other plants,including the American partridge -berry (Mitchella repens).These are called dimorphic heterostyled plants.Still more extraordinary is the case of the common loosestrife(Lythrum salicaria), which has both stamens and stylesof three distinct lengths, each flower having two sets ofstamens and one style,all of different lengths, and arrangedwith six mediumin three different ways : (1) a short style,with six short andand six long stamens ; (2) a medium style, six long stamens ; (3) a long style, with six medium and sixshort stamens. These flowers can be fertilised in eighteendistinct ways, necessitating a vast number of experiments,the result being, as in the case of the cowslip, that flowersfertilisedby the pollen from stamens of the same length asthe styles, gave on the average a larger number of capsulesand a very much larger number of seeds than in any othercase. The exact correspondence in the length of the style ofeach form with that of the stamens in the two other formsensures that the pollen attached to any part of the body ofan insect shall be applied to a styleof the same length onanother plant, and there is thus a triple chance of the maximumof fertility.Some other species of lythrum, of oxalis,and pontederia, were also found to have three-formed stamensand styles ;and in the case of the oxalis, experiments were2H

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