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168 NATURAL SELECTION ^vnrfresh evidence to clear up those points which all admit to befull of doubt, on other and not less obscure and difficultquestions a considerable amount of dogmatism is exhibited ;doctrines are put forward as established truths, no doubt orhesitation is admitted, and it seems to be supposed that nofurther evidence is required, or that any new facts canmodify our convictions. This is especially the case when weinquire, Are the various forms under which man nowexists primitive, or derived from pre-existing forms ;inother words, is man of one or many species ? To this questionwe immediately obtain distinct answers diametricallyopposed to each other the one party : positively maintainingthat man is a species and is essentially one that all differencesare but local and temporary variations, produced by thedifferent physical and moral conditions by which he issurrounded ;the other party maintaining with equal confidencethat man is a genus of many species, each of whichis practically unchangeable, and has ever been as distinct, oreven more distinct, than we now behold them. This differenceof opinion is somewhat remarkable, when we considerthat both parties are well acquainted with the subject ;bothuse the same vast accumulation of facts ;both reject thoseearly traditions of mankind which profess to give an accountof his origin ;and both declare that they are seeking fearlesslyafter truth alone ; yet each will persist in looking onlyat the portion of truth on his own side of the question, and atthe error which is mingled with his opponent's doctrine. Itis my wish to show how the two opposing views can be combined,so as to eliminate the error and retain the truth ineach, and it isby means of Mr. Darwin's celebrated theoryof Natural Selection that I hope to do this, and thus to harmonisethe conflicting theories of modern anthropologists.Let us first see what each party has to say for itself. Infavour of the unity of mankind it isargued that there areno races without transitions to others ;that every raceexhibits within itself variations of colour, of hair, of feature,and of form, to such a degree as to bridge over, to a largeextent, the gap that separates it from other races. It isasserted that no race ishomogeneous that there is a tendencyto vary; that climate, food, and habits produce,;and

vni THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RACES 169render permanent, physical peculiarities,which, though slightin the limited periods allowed to our observation, would, inthe long ages during which the human race has existed, havesufficed to produce all the differences that now appear. It isfurther asserted that the advocates of the opposite theory donot agree among themselves ;that some would make three,some five, some fifty or a hundred and fifty species of man ;some would have had each species created in pairs, whileothers require nations to have at once sprung into existence,and that there is no stability or consistency in any doctrinebut that of one primitive stock.The advocates of the original diversity of man, on theother hand, have much to say for themselves. They arguethat proofs of change in man have never been brought forwardexcept to the most trifling amount, while evidence ofhis permanence meets us everywhere. The Portuguese andSpaniards, settled for two or three centuries in SouthAmerica, retain their chief physical, mental, and moralcharacteristics ;the Dutch boers at the Cape, and the descendantsof the early Dutch settlers in the Moluccas, havenot lost the features or the colour of the Germanic races ;the Jews, scattered over the world in the most diverseclimates, retain the same characteristic lineaments everywherethe ; Egyptian sculptures and paintings show us that,for at least 4000 or 5000 years, the strongly contrastedfeatures of the Negro and the Semitic races have remainedaltogether unchanged; while more recent discoveries provethat the mound-builders of the Mississippi valley, and thedwellers on Brazilian mountains, had, even in the very infancyof the human race, some traces of the same peculiar andcharacteristic type of cranial formation that now distinguishesthem.If we endeavour to decide impartially on the merits ofthis difficult controversy, judging solely by the evidence thateach party has brought forward, it certainly seems that thebest of the isargument on the side of those who maintainthe primitive diversity of man. Their opponents have notbeen able to refute the permanence of existing races as farback as we can trace them, and have failed to show, in asingle case, that at any former epoch the well marked varie-

168 NATURAL SELECTION ^vnrfresh evidence to clear up those points which all admit to befull of doubt, on other and not less obscure and difficultquestions a considerable amount of dogmatism is exhibited ;doctrines are put forward as established truths, no doubt orhesitation is admitted, and it seems to be supposed that nofurther evidence is required, or that any new facts canmodify our convictions. This is especially the case when weinquire, Are the various forms under which man nowexists primitive, or derived from pre-existing forms ;inother words, is man of one or many species ? To this questionwe immediately obtain distinct answers diametricallyopposed to each other the one party : positively maintainingthat man is a species and is essentially one that all differencesare but local and temporary variations, produced by thedifferent physical and moral conditions by which he issurrounded ;the other party maintaining with equal confidencethat man is a genus of many species, each of whichis practically unchangeable, and has ever been as distinct, oreven more distinct, than we now behold them. This differenceof opinion is somewhat remarkable, when we considerthat both parties are well acquainted with the subject ;bothuse the same vast accumulation of facts ;both reject thoseearly traditions of mankind which profess to give an accountof his origin ;and both declare that they are seeking fearlesslyafter truth alone ; yet each will persist in looking onlyat the portion of truth on his own side of the question, and atthe error which is mingled with his opponent's doctrine. Itis my wish to show how the two opposing views can be combined,so as to eliminate the error and retain the truth ineach, and it isby means of Mr. Darwin's celebrated theoryof Natural Selection that I hope to do this, and thus to harmonisethe conflicting theories of modern anthropologists.Let us first see what each party has to say for itself. Infavour of the unity of mankind it isargued that there areno races without transitions to others ;that every raceexhibits within itself variations of colour, of hair, of feature,and of form, to such a degree as to bridge over, to a largeextent, the gap that separates it from other races. It isasserted that no race ishomogeneous that there is a tendencyto vary; that climate, food, and habits produce,;and

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