PDF - Wallace Online

PDF - Wallace Online

PDF - Wallace Online


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CONTENTSof Protective Colouring Objection that Colour, as being dangerous,should not exist in Nature Mimicry Mimicry among LepidopteraLepidoptera mimicking other Insects Mimicry among BeetlesBeetles mimicking other Insects Insects mimicking Species of otherOrders Cases of Mimicry among the Vertebrata Mimicry amongSnakes Mimicry among Birds Mimicry among Mammals Objectionsto Mr. Bates's Theory of Mimicry Mimicry by Female Insectsonly Cause of the dull Colours of Female Birds Use of the gaudyColours of many Caterpillars Summary General deductions as toColour in Nature Conclusion . . . .Pages 34-90IV. ON INSTINCT IN MAN AND ANIMALSpossess Instincts ?How Instinct may be best Studied Definition of Instinct Does ManHow Indians travel through unknown and tracklessForests 91-97V. THE PHILOSOPHY OP BIRDS' NESTSDo Men build byInstinct or Keason in the Construction of Birds' NestsReason or by Imitation ? "Why does each Bird build a peculiar kindof Nest ? How do young Birds learn to build their first Nest ?Do Birds sing by Instinct or by Imitation How ? young Birds maylearn to build Nests The Skill exhibited in Nest-building ExaggeratedMan's Works mainly Imitative Birds do Alter andImprove their Nests when altered Conditions require it Conclusion98-117VI.A THEORY OP BIRDS' NESTSChanged Conditions and persistent Habits as influencing NidificationClassification of Nests Sexual differences of Colour in Birds TheLaw which connects the Colours of Female Birds with the mode ofNidification What the Facts Teach us Colour more variable thanStructure or Habits, and therefore the Character which has generallybeen Modified Exceptional cases confirmatory of the above ExplanationRealor apparent exceptions to the Law stated at page 124Various modes of Protection of Animals Females of some groupsrequire and obtain more Protection than the Males Conclusion118-140VII.CREATION BY LAWLaws from which the Origin of Species may be deduced Mr. Darwin'sMetaphors liable to Misconception A case of Orchid-structure ex-

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