MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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evalinfevalfunctionglobalnargchkpersistentscriptEvaluate expression in workspace<strong>Function</strong> evaluation<strong>Function</strong> M-filesDefine global variablesCheck number of input argumentsDefine persistent variableScript M-filesControl Flowbreak Terminate execution of for loop or while loopcaseCase switchcatch Begin catch blockelseConditionally execute statementselseif Conditionally execute statementsendTerminate for, while, switch, try, and if statements or indicate lastindexerror Display error messagesforRepeat statements a specific number of timesifConditionally execute statementsotherwise Default part of switch statementreturn Return to the invoking functionswitch Switch among several cases based on expressiontryBegin try blockwarning Display warning messagewhile Repeat statements an indefinite number of timesInteractive Inputinput Request user inputkeyboard Invoke the keyboard in an M-filemenuGenerate a menu of choices for user inputpause Halt execution temporarilyObject-Oriented Programmingclass Create object or return class of objectdouble Convert to double precisioninferiorto Inferior class relationshipinline Construct an inline objectint8, int16, int32Convert to signed integerisaDetect an object of a given class1-5

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