MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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camdollyPurpose2camdollyMove the camera position and targetSyntaxDescriptioncamdolly(dx,dy,dz)camdolly(dx,dy,dz,'targetmode')camdolly(dx,dy,dz,'targetmode','coordsys')camdolly(axes_handle,...)camdolly moves the camera position and the camera target by the specifiedamounts.camdolly(dx,dy,dz) moves the camera position and the camera target by thespecified amounts (see “Coordinate Systems”).camdolly(dx,dy,dz,'targetmode') The targetmode argument can take ontwo values that determine how <strong>MATLAB</strong> moves the camera:• movetarget (default) – move both the camera and the target• fixtarget – move only the cameracamdolly(dx,dy,dz,'targetmode','coordsys') The coordsys argumentcan take on three values that determine how <strong>MATLAB</strong> interprets dx, dy, anddz:Coordinate Systems• camera (default) – move in the camera’s coordinate system. dx moves left/right, dy moves down/up, and dz moves along the viewing axis. The units arenormalized to the scene.For example, setting dx to 1 moves the camera to the right, which pushes thescene to the left edge of the box formed by the axes position rectangle. Anegative value moves the scene in the other direction. Setting dz to 0.5moves the camera to a position halfway between the camera position and thecamera target• pixels – interpret dx and dy as pixel offsets. dz is ignored.• data – interpret dx, dy, and dz as offesets in axes data coordinates.camdolly(axes_handle,...) operates on the axes identified by the firstargument, axes_handle. When you do not specify an axes handle, camdollyoperates on the current axes.2-51

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