MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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IndexSurface property 2-486Text property 2-512errorbar 2-129errordlg 2-131ErrorMessage, Root property 2-417ErrorType, Root property 2-418examplescalculating isosurface normals 2-253contouring mathematical expressions 2-133isosurface end caps 2-251isosurfaces 2-256mesh plot of mathematical function 2-140mesh/contour plot 2-143plotting filled contours 2-136plotting function of two variables 2-146plotting parametric curves 2-147polar plot of function 2-149reducing number of patch faces 2-401reducing volume data 2-403subsampling volume data 2-466surface plot of mathematical function 2-151surface/contour plot 2-154ExtentText property 2-513Uicontrol property 2-545ezcontour 2-133ezcontourf 2-136ezmesh 2-139ezmeshc 2-142ezplot 2-145ezplot3 2-147ezpolar 2-149ezsurf 2-150ezsurfc 2-153FFaceColorPatch property 2-331Surface property 2-487FaceColor, rectangle property 2-396FaceLightingPatch property 2-331Surface property 2-487Faces, Patch property 2-331faces, reducing number in patches 2-400FaceVertexCData, Patch property 2-332feather 2-156figflag 2-158Figurecreating 2-159defining default properties 2-160properties 2-167redrawing 2-406figure 2-159figure windows, displaying 2-197Figuresupdating from M-file 2-128fill 2-192fill3 2-194findfigs 2-197findobj 2-198FixedColors, Figure property 2-173fixed-width fontaxes 2-24text 2-513uicontrols 2-546FixedWidthFontName, Root property 2-417fontfixed-width, axes 2-24fixed-width, text 2-513fixed-width, uicontrols 2-546FontAngleI-5

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