MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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waitforPurpose2waitforWait for conditionSyntaxDescriptionwaitfor(h)waitfor(h,'PropertyName')waitfor(h,'PropertyName',PropertyValue)The waitfor function blocks the caller’s execution stream so thatcommand-line expressions, callbacks, and statements in the blocked M-file donot execute until a specified condition is satisfied.waitfor(h) returns when the graphics object identified by h is deleted or whena Ctrl-C is typed in the Command Window. If h does not exist, waitfor returnsimmediately without processing any events.waitfor(h,'PropertyName'), in addition to the conditions in the previoussyntax, returns when the value of 'PropertyName' for the graphics object hchanges. If 'PropertyName' is not a valid property for the object, waitforreturns immediately without processing any events.waitfor(h,'PropertyName',PropertyValue), in addition to the conditions inthe previous syntax, waitfor returns when the value of 'PropertyName' forthe graphics object h changes to PropertyValue. waitfor returns immediatelywithout processing any events if 'PropertyName' is set to PropertyValue.RemarksSee AlsoWhile waitfor blocks an execution stream, other execution streams in the formof callbacks may execute as a result of various events (e.g., pressing a mousebutton).waitfor can block nested execution streams. For example, a callback invokedduring a waitfor statement can itself invoke waitfor.uiresume, uiwait2-583

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