MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics) MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


viewRemarksAzimuth is a polar angle in the x-y plane, with positive angles indicating counterclockwiserotation of the viewpoint. Elevation is the angle above (positiveangle) or below (negative angle) the x-y plane.This diagram illustrates the coordinate system. The arrows indicate positivedirections.zyViewpointCenter ofPlot BoxElevationxAzimuth-yExamplesView the object from directly = 0;el = 90;view(az, el);Set the view along the y-axis, with the x-axis extending horizontally and thez-axis extending vertically in the figure.view([0 0]);Rotate the view about the z-axis by 180°.az = 180;el = 90;view(az, el);See Alsoviewmtx, axes2-576

viewaxes graphics object properties: CameraPosition, CameraTarget,CameraViewAngle, Projection.2-577

viewRemarksAzimuth is a polar angle in the x-y plane, with positive angles indicating counterclockwiserotation of the viewpoint. Elevation is the angle above (positiveangle) or below (negative angle) the x-y plane.This diagram illustrates the coordinate system. The arrows indicate positivedirections.zyViewpointCenter ofPlot BoxElevationxAzimuth-yExamplesView the object from directly = 0;el = 90;view(az, el);Set the view along the y-axis, with the x-axis extending horizontally and thez-axis extending vertically in the figure.view([0 0]);Rotate the view about the z-axis by 180°.az = 180;el = 90;view(az, el);See Alsoviewmtx, axes2-576

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