MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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uiresume, uiwaitPurpose2uiresume, uiwaitControl program executionSyntaxDescriptionuiwait(h)uiwaituiresume(h)The uiwait and uiresume functions block and resume <strong>MATLAB</strong> programexecution.uiwait blocks execution until uiresume is called or the current figure isdeleted. This syntax is the same as uiwait(gcf).uiwait(h) blocks execution until uiresume is called or the figure h is deleted.uiresume(h) resumes the M-file execution that uiwait suspended.RemarksSee AlsoWhen creating a dialog, you should have a uicontrol with a callback that callsuiresume or a callback that destroys the dialog box. These are the only methodsthat resume program execution after the uiwait function blocks execution.uiwait is a convenient way to use the waitfor command. You typically use itin conjunction with a dialog box. It provides a way to block the execution of theM-file that created the dialog, until the user responds to the dialog box. Whenused in conjunction with a modal dialog, uiwait/uiresume can block theexecution of the M-file and restrict user interaction to the dialog only.uicontrol, uimenu, waitfor, figure, dialog2-571

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