MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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uimenu Propertiescallbacks; see the note below). The BusyAction property of the object whosecallback is waiting to execute determines what happens to the callback:• If the value is queue, the callback is added to the event queue and executesafter the first callback finishes execution.• If the value is cancel, the event is discarded and the callback is not executed.Note If the interrupting callback is a DeleteFcn or CreateFcn callback or afigure’s CloseRequest or ResizeFcn callback, it interrupts an executingcallback regardless of the value of that object’s Interruptible property. Theinterrupting callback starts execution at the next drawnow, figure, getframe,pause, or waitfor statement.ButtonDownFcn stringThe button down function has no effect on uimenu objects.CallbackstringMenu action. A callback routine that executes whenever you select the menu.Define this routine as a string that is a valid <strong>MATLAB</strong> expression or the nameof an M-file. The expression executes in the <strong>MATLAB</strong> workspace.A menu with children (submenus) executes its callback routine beforedisplaying the submenus. A menu without children executes its callbackroutine when you release the mouse button (i.e., on the button up event).Checkedon | {off}Menu check indicator. Setting this property to on places a check mark next tothe corresponding menu item. Setting it to off removes the check mark. Youcan use this feature to create menus that indicate the state of a particularoption. Note that there is no formal mechanism for indicating that anunchecked menu item will become checked when selected. Also, this propertydoes not check top level menus or submenus, although you can change thevalue of the property for these menus.2-563

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