MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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uicontrol PropertiesChildrenmatrixThe empty matrix; uicontrol objects have no children.Clipping{on} | offThis property has no effect on uicontrols.CreateFcnstringCallback routine executed during object creation. This property defines acallback routine that executes when <strong>MATLAB</strong> creates a uicontrol object. Youmust define this property as a default value for uicontrols. For example, thisstatement:set(0,'DefaultUicontrolCreateFcn',...'set(gcf,''IntegerHandle'',''off'')')defines a default value on the root level that sets the figure IntegerHandleproperty to off whenever you create a uicontrol object. <strong>MATLAB</strong> executes thisroutine after setting all property values for the uicontrol. Setting this propertyon an existing uicontrol object has no effect.The handle of the object whose CreateFcn is being executed is accessible onlythrough the root CallbackObject property, which can be queried using gcbo.DeleteFcnstringDelete uicontrol callback routine. A callback routine that executes when youdelete the uicontrol object (e.g., when you issue a delete command or clear thefigure containing the uicontrol). <strong>MATLAB</strong> executes the routine beforedestroying the object’s properties so these values are available to the callbackroutine.The handle of the object whose DeleteFcn is being executed is accessible onlythrough the root CallbackObject property, which you can query using gcbo.Enable{on} | inactive | offEnable or disable the uicontrol. This property controls how uicontrols respondto mouse button clicks, including which callback routines execute.2-544

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