MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics) MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


uicontrolSliders accept numeric input within a specific range by enabling the user tomove a sliding bar. Users move the bar by pressing the mouse button anddragging the pointer over the bar, or by clicking in the trough or on an arrow.The location of the bar indicates a numeric value, which is selected by releasingthe mouse button. You can set the minimum, maximum, and current values ofthe slider.Static text boxes display lines of text. Static text is typically used to label othercontrols, provide directions to the user, or indicate values associated with aslider. Users cannot change static text interactively and there is no way toinvoke the callback routine associated with it.Toggle buttons are controls that execute callbacks when clicked on and indicatetheir state, either on or off. Toggle buttons are useful for building toolbars.More information about toggle buttons.RemarksPropertiesThe uicontrol function accepts property name/property value pairs,structures, and cell arrays as input arguments and optionally returns thehandle of the created object. You can also set and query property values aftercreating the object using the set and get functions.Uicontrol objects are children of figures and therefore do not require an axes toexist when placed in a figure window.This table lists all properties useful for uicontrol objects, grouping them byfunction. Each property name acts as a link to a description of the property.Property Name Property Description Property ValueControlling Style and AppearanceBackgroundColor Object background color Value: ColorSpecDefault: system dependentCDataTruecolor image displayed on thecontrolValue: matrixForegroundColor Color of text Value: ColorSpecDefault: [0 0 0]2-536

uicontrolProperty Name Property Description Property ValueSelectionHighlight Object highlighted when selected Value: on, offDefault: onStringUicontrol label, also list box andpop-up menu itemsValue: stringVisible Uicontrol visibility Value: on, offDefault: onGeneral Information About the ObjectChildrenUicontrol objects have no childrenEnable Enable or disable the uicontrol Value: on, inactive, offDefault: onParent Uicontrol object’s parent Value: scalar figure handleSelected Whether object is selected Value: on, offDefault: offSliderStep Slider step size Value: two-element vectorDefault: [0.01 0.1]Style Type of uicontrol object Value: pushbutton,togglebutton,radiobutton, checkbox,edit, text, slider, frame,listbox, popupmenuDefault: pushbuttonTag User-specified object identifier Value: stringTooltipString Content of object’s tooltip Value: stringType Class of graphics object Value: string (read-only)Default: uicontrolUserData User-specified data Value: matrixControlling the Object Position2-537

uicontrolProperty Name Property Description Property ValueSelectionHighlight Object highlighted when selected Value: on, offDefault: onStringUicontrol label, also list box andpop-up menu itemsValue: stringVisible Uicontrol visibility Value: on, offDefault: onGeneral Information About the ObjectChildrenUicontrol objects have no childrenEnable Enable or disable the uicontrol Value: on, inactive, offDefault: onParent Uicontrol object’s parent Value: scalar figure handleSelected Whether object is selected Value: on, offDefault: offSliderStep Slider step size Value: two-element vectorDefault: [0.01 0.1]Style Type of uicontrol object Value: pushbutton,togglebutton,radiobutton, checkbox,edit, text, slider, frame,listbox, popupmenuDefault: pushbuttonTag User-specified object identifier Value: stringTooltipString Content of object’s tooltip Value: stringType Class of graphics object Value: string (read-only)Default: uicontrolUserData User-specified data Value: matrixControlling the Object Position2-537

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