MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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uicontextmenu PropertiesUicontextmenuProperties2uicontextmenu PropertiesBusyActioncancel | {queue}Callback routine interruption. The BusyAction property enables you to controlhow <strong>MATLAB</strong> handles events that potentially interrupt executing callbackroutines. If a callback routine is executing, subsequently invoked callbackroutines always attempt to interrupt it. If the Interruptible property of theobject whose callback is executing is set to on (the default), then interruptionoccurs at the next point where the event queue is processed. If theInterruptible property is off, the BusyAction property of the object whosecallback is executing determines how <strong>MATLAB</strong> handles the event. The choicesare:• cancel – discard the event that attempted to execute a second callbackroutine.• queue – queue the event that attempted to execute a second callback routineuntil the current callback finishes.ButtonDownFcn stringThis property has no effect on uicontextmenu objects.CallbackstringControl action. A routine that executes whenever you right-click on an objectfor which a context menu is defined. The routine executes immediately beforethe context menu is posted. Define this routine as a string that is a valid<strong>MATLAB</strong> expression or the name of an M-file. The expression executes in the<strong>MATLAB</strong> workspace.ChildrenmatrixThe uimenus defined for the uicontextmenu.Clipping{on} | offThis property has no effect on uicontextmenu objects.CreateFcnstringCallback routine executed during object creation. This property defines acallback routine that executes when <strong>MATLAB</strong> creates a uicontextmenu object.You must define this property as a default value for uicontextmenus. Forexample, this statement:set(0,'DefaultUicontextmenuCreateFcn',...'set(gcf,''IntegerHandle'',''off'')')2-530

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