MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics) MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


trisurfPurpose2trisurfTriangular surface plotSyntaxDescriptiontrisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z)trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z,C)trisurf(...'PropertyName',PropertyValue...)h = trisurf(...)trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z) displays triangles defined in the m-by-3 face matrix Trias a surface. Each row of Tri defines a single triangular face by indexing intothe vectors or matrices that contain the X, Y, and Z vertices.trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z,C) specifies color defined by C in the same manner as thesurf function. MATLAB performs a linear transformation on this data toobtain colors from the current colormap.trisurf(...'PropertyName',PropertyValue...) specifies additional patchproperty names and values for the patch graphics object created by thefunction.h = trisurf(...) returns a patch handle.ExampleCreate vertex vectors and a face matrix, then create a triangular surface plot.x = rand(1,50);y = rand(1,50);z = peaks(6*x–3,6*x–3);tri = delaunay(x,y);trisurf(tri,x,y,z)See Alsopatch, surf, trimesh, delaunay2-526

uicontextmenuPurpose2uicontextmenuCreate a context menuSyntaxDescriptionPropertieshandle = uicontextmenu('PropertyName',PropertyValue,...);uicontextmenu creates a context menu, which is a menu that appears when theuser right-clicks on a graphics object.You create context menu items using the uimenu function. Menu items appearin the order the uimenu statements appear. You associate a context menu withan object using the UIContextMenu property for the object and specifying thecontext menu’s handle as the property value.More information about context menus.This table lists the properties that are useful to uicontextmenu objects,grouping them by function. Each property name acts as a link to a descriptionof the property.Property Name Property Description Property ValueControlling Style and AppearanceVisible Uicontextmenu visibility Value: on, offDefault: offPositionLocation of uicontextmenu whenVisible is set to onValue: two-element vectorDefault: [0 0]General Information About the ObjectChildrenThe uimenus defined for theuicontextmenuValue: matrixParent Uicontextmenu object’s parent Value: scalar figure handleTag User-specified object identifier Value: stringType Class of graphics object Value: string (read-only)Default: uicontrolUserData User-specified data Value: matrix2-527

trisurfPurpose2trisurfTriangular surface plotSyntaxDescriptiontrisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z)trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z,C)trisurf(...'PropertyName',PropertyValue...)h = trisurf(...)trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z) displays triangles defined in the m-by-3 face matrix Trias a surface. Each row of Tri defines a single triangular face by indexing intothe vectors or matrices that contain the X, Y, and Z vertices.trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z,C) specifies color defined by C in the same manner as thesurf function. <strong>MATLAB</strong> performs a linear transformation on this data toobtain colors from the current colormap.trisurf(...'PropertyName',PropertyValue...) specifies additional patchproperty names and values for the patch graphics object created by thefunction.h = trisurf(...) returns a patch handle.ExampleCreate vertex vectors and a face matrix, then create a triangular surface plot.x = rand(1,50);y = rand(1,50);z = peaks(6*x–3,6*x–3);tri = delaunay(x,y);trisurf(tri,x,y,z)See Alsopatch, surf, trimesh, delaunay2-526

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