MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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terminalPurpose2terminalSet graphics terminal typeSyntaxDescriptionterminalterminal('type')To add terminal-specific settings (e.g., escape characters, line length), edit thefile terminal.m.terminal displays a menu of graphics terminal types, prompts for a choice,then configures <strong>MATLAB</strong> to run on the specified terminal.terminal('type') accepts a terminal type string. Valid 'type' strings areshown in the table.TypeDescriptiontek401x Tektronix 4010/4014tek4100 Tektronix 4100tek4105 Tektronix 4105retroRetrographics cardsg100 Selanar <strong>Graphics</strong> 100sg200 Selanar <strong>Graphics</strong> 200vt240tekergographoncitohxtermtekwyseVT240 & VT340 Tektronix modeErgo terminalGraphon terminalC.Itoh terminalxterm, Tektronix graphicsWyse WY-99GTkermit MS-DOS Kermit 2.23hp2647 Hewlett-Packard 26472-499

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