MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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surf2patchPurpose2surf2patchConvert surface data to patch dataSyntaxDescriptionfvc = surf2patch(h)fvc = surf2patch(Z)fvc = surf2patch(Z,C)fvc = surf2patch(X,Y,Z)fvc = surf2patch(X,Y,Z,C)fvc = surf2patch(...,'triangles')[f,v,c] = surf2patch(...)fvc = surf2patch(h) converts the geometry and color data from the surfaceobject identified by the handle h into patch format and returns the face, vertex,and color data in the struct fvc. You can pass this struct directly to the patchcommand.fvc = surf2patch(Z) calculates the patch data from the surface’s ZDatamatrix Z.fvc = surf2patch(Z,C) calculates the patch data from the surface’s ZData andCData matrices Z and C.fvc = surf2patch(X,Y,Z) calculates the patch data from the surface’s XData,YData, and ZData matrices X, Y, and Z.fvc = surf2patch(X,Y,Z,C) calculates the patch data from the surface’sXData, YData, ZData, and CData matrices X, Y, Z, and C.fvc = surf2patch(...,'triangles') creates triangular faces instead of thequadrilaterals that compose surfaces.[f,v,c] = surf2patch(...) returns the face, vertex, and color data in thethree arrays f, v, and c instead of a struct.ExamplesThe first example uses the sphere command to generate the XData, YData, andZData of a surface, which is then converted to a patch. Note that the ZData (z)is passed to surf2patch as both the third and fourth arguments – the thirdargument is the ZData and the fourth argument is taken as the CData. This isbecause the patch command does not automatically use the z-coordinate datafor the color data, as does the surface command.2-472

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