MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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Axes PropertiesAxesProperties2Axes PropertiesThis section lists property names along with the types of values each accepts.Curly braces { } enclose default values.AmbientLightColorColorSpecThe background light in a scene. Ambient light is a directionless light thatshines uniformly on all objects in the axes. However, if there are no visible lightobjects in the axes, <strong>MATLAB</strong> does not use AmbientLightColor. If there arelight objects in the axes, the AmbientLightColor is added to the other lightsources.AspectRatio (Obsolete)This property produces a warning message when queried or changed. It hasbeen superseded by the DataAspectRatio[Mode] andPlotBoxAspectRatio[Mode] properties.Boxon | {off}Axes box mode. This property specifies whether to enclose the axes extent in abox for 2-D views or a cube for 3-D views. The default is to not display the box.BusyActioncancel | {queue}Callback routine interruption. The BusyAction property enables you to controlhow <strong>MATLAB</strong> handles events that potentially interrupt executing callbackroutines. If there is a callback routine executing, subsequently invokedcallback routines always attempt to interrupt it. If the Interruptible propertyof the object whose callback is executing is set to on (the default), theninterruption occurs at the next point where the event queue is processed. If theInterruptible property is off, the BusyAction property (of the object owningthe executing callback) determines how <strong>MATLAB</strong> handles the event. Thechoices are:• cancel – discard the event that attempted to execute a second callbackroutine.• queue – queue the event that attempted to execute a second callback routineuntil the current callback finishes.ButtonDownFcn stringButton press callback routine. A callback routine that executes whenever youpress a mouse button while the pointer is within the axes, but not over another2-16

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