MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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Root Propertiescode. The ProfileInterval property determines how often <strong>MATLAB</strong> profiles(i.e., determines which line is executing).ProfileInterval scalarTime increment to profile M-file. This property sets the time interval at whichthe profiler checks to see what line in the M-file is executing.RecursionLimit integerNumber of nested M-file calls. This property sets a limit to the number ofnested calls to M-files <strong>MATLAB</strong> will make before stoping (or potentiallyrunning out of memory). By default the value is set to a large value. Setting thisproperty to a smaller value (something like 150, for example) should prevent<strong>MATLAB</strong> from running out of memory and will instead cause <strong>MATLAB</strong> toissue an error when the limit is reached.ScreenDepth bits per pixelScreen depth. The depth of the display bitmap (i.e., the number of bits perpixel). The maximum number of simultaneously displayed colors on thecurrent graphics device is 2 raised to this power.ScreenDepth supersedes the BlackAndWhite property. To override automatichardware checking, set this property to 1. This value causes <strong>MATLAB</strong> toassume the display is monochrome. This is useful if <strong>MATLAB</strong> is running oncolor hardware but is displaying on a monochrome terminal. Such a situationcan cause <strong>MATLAB</strong> to determine erroneously that the display is color.ScreenSize 4-element rectangle vector (read only)Screen size. A four-element vector,[left,bottom,width,height]that defines the display size. left and bottom are 0 for all Units except pixels,in which case left and bottom are 1. width and height are the screendimensions in units specified by the Units property.Selectedon | offThis property has no effect on the root level.SelectionHighlight {on} | offThis property has no effect on the root level.2-420

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