MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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orientPurpose2orientSet paper orientation for printed outputSyntaxDescriptionorientorient landscapeorient portraitorient tallorient(fig_handle), orient(simulink_model)orient(fig_handle,orientation), orient(simulink_model,orientation)orient returns a string with the current paper orientation, either portrait,landscape, or tall.orient landscape sets the paper orientation of the current figure to full-pagelandscape, orienting the longest page dimension horizontally. The figure iscentered on the page and scaled to fit the page with a 0.25 inch border.orient portrait sets the paper orientation of the current figure to portrait,orienting the longest page dimension vertically. The portrait option returnsthe page orientation to <strong>MATLAB</strong>’s default. (Note that the result of using theportrait option is affected by changes you make to figure properties. See the“Algorithm” section for more specific information.)orient tall maps the current figure to the entire page in portrait orientation,leaving a 0.25 inch border.orient(fig_handle), orient(simulink_model) returns the currentorientation of the specified figure or Simulink model.orient(fig_handle,orientation), orient(simulink_model,orientation)sets the orientation for the specified figure or Simulink model to the specifiedorientation (landscape, portrait, or tall).Algorithmorient sets the PaperOrientation, PaperPosition, and PaperUnitsproperties of the current figure. Subsequent print operations use theseproperties. The result of using the portrait option can be affected by defaultproperty values as follows:• If the current figure PaperType is the same as the default figure PaperTypeand the default figure PaperOrientation has been set to landscape, then2-309

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