MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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moviePurpose2moviePlay recorded movie framesSyntaxDescriptionmovie(M)movie(M,n)movie(M,n,fps)movie(h,...)movie(h,M,n,fps,loc)movie plays the movie defined by a matrix whose columns are movie frames(usually produced by getframe).movie(M) plays the movie in matrix M once.movie(M,n) plays the movie n times. If n is negative, each cycle is shownforward then backward. If n is a vector, the first element is the number of timesto play the movie, and the remaining elements comprise a list of frames to playin the movie. For example, if M has four frames then n = [10 4 4 2 1] playsthe movie ten times, and the movie consists of frame 4 followed by frame 4again, followed by frame 2 and finally frame 1.movie(M,n,fps) plays the movie at fps frames per second. The default is 12frames per second. Computers that cannot achieve the specified speed play asfast as possible.movie(h,...) plays the movie in the figure or axes identified by the handle h.movie(h,M,n,fps,loc) specifies a four-element location vector, [x y 0 0],where the lower-left corner of the movie frame is anchored (only the first twoelements in the vector are used). The location is relative to the lower-left cornerof the figure or axes specified by handle and in units of pixels, regardless of theobject’s Units property.RemarksThe movie function displays each frame as it loads the data into memory, andthen plays the movie. This eliminates long delays with a blank screen when youload a memory-intensive movie. The movie’s load cycle is not considered one ofthe movie repetitions.2-302

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