MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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mesh, meshc, meshzmeshc calls mesh, turns hold on, and then calls contour and positions thecontour on the x-y plane. For additional control over the appearance of thecontours, you can issue these commands directly. You can combine other typesof graphs in this manner, for example surf and pcolor plots.meshc assumes that X and Y are monotonically increasing. If X or Y is irregularlyspaced, contour3 calculates contours using a regularly spaced contour grid,then transforms the data to X or Y.See Alsocontour, hidden, meshgrid, surf, surfc, surfl, waterfallThe functions axis, caxis, colormap, hold, shading, and view all set graphicsobject properties that affect mesh, meshc, and meshz.For a discussion of parametric surfaces plots, refer to surf.2-301

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