MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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lineProperty Name Property Description Property ValueData Defining the ObjectXData The x-coordinates defining the line Values: vector or matrixDefault: [0 1]YData The y-coordinates defining the line Values: vector or matrixDefault: [0 1]ZData The z-coordinates defining the line Values: vector or matrixDefault: [] empty matrixDefining Line Styles and MarkersLineStyle Select from five line styles. Values: −, −−, :, −., noneDefault: −LineWidth The width of the line in points Values: scalarDefault: 0.5 pointsMarker Marker symbol to plot at data points Values: see Marker propertyDefault: noneMarkerEdgeColorMarkerFaceColorColor of marker or the edge color forfilled markersFill color for markers that are closedshapesValues: ColorSpec, none,autoDefault: autoValues: ColorSpec, none,autoDefault: noneMarkerSize Size of marker in points Values: size in pointsDefault: 6Controlling the AppearanceClipping Clipping to axes rectangle Values: on, offDefault: onEraseModeMethod of drawing and erasing theline (useful for animation)Values: normal, none, xor,backgroundDefault: normal2-275

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