MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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lightingPurpose2lightingSelect the lighting algorithmSyntaxDescriptionlighting flatlighting gouraudlighting phonglighting nonelighting selects the algorithm used to calculate the effects of light objects onall surface and patch objects in the current axes.lighting flat selects flat lighting.lighting gouraund selects gouraud lighting.lighting phong selects phong lighting.lighting none turns off lighting.RemarksSee AlsoThe surf, mesh, pcolor, fill, fill3, surface, and patch functions creategraphics objects that are affected by light sources. The lighting command setsthe FaceLighting and EdgeLighting properties of surfaces and patchesappropriately for the graphics object.light, material, patch, surface2-270

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