MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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isocapsPurpose2isocapsCompute isosurface end-cap geometrySyntaxDescriptionExamplesfvc = isocaps(X,Y,Z,V,isovalue)fvc = isocaps(V,isovalue)fvc = isocaps(...,'enclose')fvc = isocaps(...,'whichplane')[f,v,c] = isocaps(...)isocaps(...)fvc = isocaps(X,Y,Z,V,isovalue) computes isosurface end cap geometry forthe volume data V at isosurface value isovalue. The arrays X, Y, and Z definethe coordinates for the volume V.The struct fvc contains the face, vertex, and color data for the end caps and canbe passed directly to the patch command.fvc = isocaps(V,isovalue) assumes the arrays X, Y, and Z are defined as[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m,1:p) where [m,n,p] = size(V).fvc = isocaps(...,'enclose') specifies whether the end caps enclose datavalues above or below the value specified in isovalue. The string enclose canbe either above (default) or below.fvc = isocaps(...,'whichplane') specifies on which planes to draw the endcaps. Possible values for whichplane are: all (default), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,zmin, or zmax.[f,v,c] = isocaps(...) returns the face, vertex, and color data for the endcaps in three arrays instead of the struct fvc.isocaps(...) without output arguments draws a patch with the computedfaces, vertices, and colors.This example uses a data set that is a collection of MRI slices of a human skull.It illustrates the use of isocaps to draw the end caps on this cut-away volume.The red isosurface shows the outline of the volume (skull) and the end capsshow what is inside of the volume.The patch created from the end cap data (p2) uses interpolated face coloring,which means the gray colormap and the light sources determine how it is2-251

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