MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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imagescPurpose2imagescScale data and display an image objectSyntaxDescriptionimagesc(C)imagesc(x,y,C)imagesc(...,clims)h = imagesc(...)The imagesc function scales image data to the full range of the currentcolormap and displays the image. (See the illustration on the following page.)imagesc(C) displays C as an image. Each element of C corresponds to arectangular area in the image. The values of the elements of C are indices intothe current colormap that determine the color of each patch.imagesc(x,y,C) displays C as an image and specifies the bounds of the x- andy-axis with vectors x and y.imagesc(...,clims) normalizes the values in C to the range specified byclims and displays C as an image. clims is a two-element vector that limits therange of data values in C. These values map to the full range of values in thecurrent colormap.h = imagesc(...) returns the handle for an image graphics object.RemarksAlgorithmx and y do not affect the elements in C; they only affect the annotation of theaxes. If length(x) > 2 or length(y) > 2, imagesc ignores all except the firstand last elements of the respective vector.imagesc creates an image with CDataMapping set to scaled, and sets the axesCLim property to the value passed in clims.2-243

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