MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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Image Propertiesdefine the ButtonDownFcn to set this property, allowing users to select theobject with the mouse.SelectionHighlight {on} | offObjects highlight when selected. When the Selected property is on, <strong>MATLAB</strong>indicates the selected state by drawing four edge handles and four cornerhandles. When SelectionHighlight is off, <strong>MATLAB</strong> does not draw thehandles.TagstringUser-specified object label. The Tag property provides a means to identifygraphics objects with a user-specified label. This is particularly useful whenconstructing interactive graphics programs that would otherwise need todefine object handles as global variables or pass them as arguments betweencallback routines. You can define Tag as any string.Typestring (read only)Type of graphics object. This property contains a string that identifies the classof graphics object. For image objects, Type is always 'image'.UIContextMenu handle of a uicontextmenu objectAssociate a context menu with the image. Assign this property the handle of auicontextmenu object created in the same figure as the image. Use theuicontextmenu function to create the context menu. <strong>MATLAB</strong> displays thecontext menu whenever you right-click over the image.UserDatamatrixUser specified data. This property can be any data you want to associate withthe image object. The image does not use this property, but you can access itusing set and get.Visible{on} | offImage visibility. By default, image objects are visible. Setting this property tooff prevents the image from being displayed. However, the object still existsand you can set and query its properties.XData[1 size(CData,2)] by defaultControl placement of image along x-axis. A vector specifying the locations of thecenters of the elements CData(1,1) and CData(m,n), where CData has a size ofm-by-n. Element CData(1,1) is centered over the coordinate defined by the first2-241

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