MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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Figure PropertiesPaperUnits normalized | {inches} | centimeters |pointsHardcopy measurement units. This property specifies the units used to definethe PaperPosition and PaperSize properties. All units are measured from thelower-left corner of the page. normalized units map the lower-left corner of thepage to (0, 0) and the upper-right corner to (1.0, 1.0). inches, centimeters, andpoints are absolute units (one point equals 1/72 of an inch).If you change the value of PaperUnits, it is good practice to return it to itsdefault value after completing your computation so as not to affect otherfunctions that assume PaperUnits is set to the default value.ParenthandleHandle of figure’s parent. The parent of a figure object is the root object. Thehandle to the root is always 0.Pointer crosshair | {arrow} | watch | topl |topr | botl | botr | circle | cross |fleur | left | right | top | bottom |fullcrosshair | ibeam | customPointer symbol selection. This property determines the symbol used to indicatethe pointer (cursor) position in the figure window. Setting Pointer to customallows you to define your own pointer symbol. See the PointerShapeCDataproperty for more information. See also the Using <strong>MATLAB</strong> <strong>Graphics</strong> manual.PointerShapeCData 16-by-16 matrixUser-defined pointer. This property defines the pointer that is used when youset the Pointer property to custom. It is a 16-by-16 element matrix defining the16-by-16 pixel pointer using the following values:• 1 – color pixel black• 2 – color pixel white• NaN – make pixel transparent (underlying screen shows through)Element (1,1) of the PointerShapeCData matrix corresponds to the upper-leftcorner of the pointer. Setting the Pointer property to one of the predefinedpointer symbols does not change the value of the PointerShapeCData.Computer systems supporting 32-by-32 pixel pointers fill only one quarter ofthe available pixmap.2-180

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