MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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Figure PropertiesYou can set the root ShowHiddenHandles property to on to make all handlesvisible, regardless of their HandleVisibility settings (this does not affect thevalues of the HandleVisibility properties).Handles that are hidden are still valid. If you know an object’s handle, you canset and get its properties, and pass it to any function that operates on handles.HitTest{on} | offSelectable by mouse click. HitTest determines if the figure can become thecurrent object (as returned by the gco command and the figure CurrentObjectproperty) as a result of a mouse click on the figure. If HiTest is off, clicking onthe figure sets the CurrentObject to the empty matrix.IntegerHandle{on} | offFigure handle mode. Figure object handles are integers by default. Whencreating a new figure, <strong>MATLAB</strong> uses the lowest integer that is not used by anexisting figure. If you delete a figure, its integer handle can be reused.If you set this property to off, <strong>MATLAB</strong> assigns nonreusable real-numberhandles (e.g., 67.0001221) instead of integers. This feature is designed fordialog boxes where removing the handle from integer values reduces thelikelihood of inadvertently drawing into the dialog box.Interruptible{on} | offCallback routine interruption mode. The Interruptible property controlswhether a figure callback routine can be interrupted by subsequently invokedcallback routines. Only callback routines defined for the ButtonDownFcn,KeyPressFcn, WindowButtonDownFcn, WindowButtonMotionFcn, andWindowButtonUpFcn are affected by the Interruptible property. <strong>MATLAB</strong>checks for events that can interrupt a callback routine only when it encountersa drawnow, figure, getframe, or pause command in the routine. See theBusyAction property for related information.InvertHardcopy{on} | offChange hardcopy to black objects on white background. This property affectsonly printed output. Printing a figure having a background color (Colorproperty) that is not white results in poor contrast between graphics objectsand the figure background and also consumes a lot of printer toner.When InvertHardCopy is on, <strong>MATLAB</strong> eliminates this effect by changing thecolor of the figure and axes to white and the axis lines, tick marks, axis labels,2-175

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