MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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Figure PropertiesThis close request function never closes the figure window; it simply echoes“This window is immortal” on the command line. Unless the close requestfunction calls delete, <strong>MATLAB</strong> never closes the figure. (Note that you canalways call delete(figure_handle) from the command line if you havecreated a window with a nondestructive close request function.)A more useful application of the close request function is to display a questiondialog box asking the user to confirm the close operation. The following M-fileillustrates how to do this.% my_closereq% User-defined close request function% to display a question dialog boxselection = questdlg('Close Specified Figure?',...'Close Request <strong>Function</strong>',...'Yes','No','Yes');switch selection,case 'Yes',delete(gcf)case 'No'returnendNow assign this M-file to the CloseRequestFcn of a figure:set(figure_handle,'CloseRequestFcn','my_closereq')To make this M-file your default close request function, set a default value onthe root level.set(0,'DefaultFigureCloseRequestFcn','my_closereq')<strong>MATLAB</strong> then uses this setting for the CloseRequestFcn of all subsequentlycreated figures.ColorColorSpecBackground color. This property controls the figure window background color.You can specify a color using a three-element vector of RGB values or one of<strong>MATLAB</strong>’s predefined names. See ColorSpec for more information.2-169

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