MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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figureProperty Name Property Description Property ValueWindowButtonUpFcnDefine a callback routine thatexecutes when you release the mousebuttonValues: stringDefault: empty stringControlling Access to ObjectsIntegerHandleHandleVisibilityHitTestNextPlotDefining the PointerSpecify integer or noninteger figurehandleDetermine if figure handle is visibleto users or notDetermine if the figure can becomethe current object (see the figureCurrentObject property)Determine how to display additionalgraphics to this figureValues: on, offDefault: on (integer handle)Values: on, callback, offDefault: onValues: on, offDefault: onValues: add, replace,replacechildrenDefault: addPointer Select the pointer symbol Values: crosshair, arrow,watch, topl, topr, botl, botr,circle, cross, fleur, left,right, top, bottom,fullcrosshair, ibeam,customDefault: arrowPointerShapeCData Data that defines the pointer Values: 16-by-16 matrixDefault: set Pointer tocustom and seePointerShapeHotSpot Specify the pointer active spot Values: 2-element vector[row, column]Default: [1,1]Properties That Affect Printing2-165

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