MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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dragrectPurpose2dragrectDrag rectangles with mouseSyntaxDescription[finalrect] = dragrect(initialrect)[finalrect] = dragrect(initialrect,stepsize)[finalrect] = dragrect(initialrect) tracks one or more rectanglesanywhere on the screen. The n-by-4 matrix, rect, defines the rectangles. Eachrow of rect must contain the initial rectangle position as[left bottom width height] values. dragrect returns the final position of therectangles in finalrect.[finalrect] = dragrect(initialrect,stepsize) moves the rectangles inincrements of stepsize. The lower-left corner of the first rectangle isconstrained to a grid of size stepsize starting at the lower-left corner of thefigure, and all other rectangles maintain their original offset from the firstrectangle. [finalrect] = dragrect(...) returns the final positions of therectangles when the mouse button is released. The default stepsize is 1.RemarksExampledragrect returns immediately if a mouse button is not currently pressed. Usedragrect in a ButtonDownFcn, or from the command line in conjunction withwaitforbuttonpress to ensure that the mouse button is down when dragrectis called. dragrect returns when you release the mouse button.Drag a rectangle that is 50 pixels wide and 100 pixels in height.waitforbuttonpresspoint1 = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint') % button down detectedrect = [point1(1,1) point1(1,2) 50 100][r2] = dragrect(rect)See Alsorbbox, waitforbuttonpress2-127

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