MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics) MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


contourslice3210−1−2−33210−1−212345678910See Alsoisosurface, smooth3, subvolume, reducevolume2-112

contrastPurpose2contrastGrayscale colormap for contrast enhancementSyntaxDescriptioncmap = contrast(X)cmap = contrast(X,m)The contrast function enhances the contrast of an image. It creates a new graycolormap, cmap, that has an approximately equal intensity distribution. Allthree elements in each row are identical.cmap = contrast(X) returns a gray colormap that is the same length as thecurrent colormap.cmap = contrast(X,m) returns an m-by-3 gray colormap.Examples Add contrast to the clown image defined by X.load clown;cmap = contrast(X);image(X);colormap(cmap);See Alsobrighten, colormap, image2-113

contourslice3210−1−2−33210−1−212345678910See Alsoisosurface, smooth3, subvolume, reducevolume2-112

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