MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics) MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


coneplotAdd Lighting to the SceneThe light source affects both the slice planes (surfaces) and the cone plots(patches). However, you can set the lighting characteristics of eachindependently.• Add a light source to the right of the camera and use Phong lighting give thecones and slice planes a smooth, three-dimensional appearance (camlight,lighting).• Increase the value of the AmbientStrength property for each slice plane toimprove the visibility of the dark blue colors. (Note that you can also specifya different colormap to change to coloring of the slice planes.)• Increase the value of the DiffuseStrength property of the cones to brightenparticularly those cones not showing specular reflections.camlight right; lighting phongset(hsurfaces,'AmbientStrength',.6)set(hcones,'DiffuseStrength',.8)2-98

coneplotSee Alsoisosurface, patch, reducevolume, smooth3, streamline, stream2, stream3,subvolume2-99

coneplotSee Alsoisosurface, patch, reducevolume, smooth3, streamline, stream2, stream3,subvolume2-99

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