MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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InfInfinityinputname Input argument namejImaginary unitNaNNot-a-Numbernargin, nargoutNumber of function argumentspiRatio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter,πrealmax Largest positive floating-point numberrealmin Smallest positive floating-point numbervarargin,varargout Pass or return variable numbers of argumentsTime and Datescalendarclockcputimedatedatenumdatestrdateveceomdayetimenowtic, tocweekdayCalendarCurrent time as a date vectorElapsed CPU timeCurrent date stringSerial date numberDate string formatDate componentsEnd of monthElapsed timeCurrent date and timeStopwatch timerDay of the weekMatrix ManipulationcatConcatenate arraysdiagDiagonal matrices and diagonals of a matrixfliplr Flip matrices left-rightflipud Flip matrices up-downrepmat Replicate and tile an arrayreshape Reshape arrayrot90 Rotate matrix 90 degreestrilLower triangular part of a matrixtriuUpper triangular part of a matrix: (colon) Index into array, rearrange array1-7

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