MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)

MATLAB Function Reference (Volume 2: Graphics)


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loadobj Extends the load function for user objectssaveobj Save filter for objectssingle Convert to single precisionsuperiorto Superior class relationshipuint8, uint16, uint32Convert to unsigned integerDebuggingdbcleardbcontdbdowndbmexdbquitdbstackdbstatusdbstepdbstopdbtypedbupClear breakpointsResume executionChange local workspace contextEnable MEX-file debuggingQuit debug modeDisplay function call stackList all breakpointsExecute one or more lines from a breakpointSet breakpoints in an M-file functionList M-file with line numbersChange local workspace contextElementary Matrices and Matrix ManipulationElementary Matrices and Arraysblkdiag Construct a block diagonal matrix from input argumentseyeIdentity matrixlinspace Generate linearly spaced vectorslogspace Generate logarithmically spaced vectorsonesCreate an array of all onesrandUniformly distributed random numbers and arraysrandn Normally distributed random numbers and arrayszeros Create an array of all zeros: (colon) Regularly spaced vectorSpecial Variables and ConstantsanscomputerepsflopsiThe most recent answerIdentify the computer on which <strong>MATLAB</strong> is runningFloating-point relative accuracyCount floating-point operationsImaginary unit1-6

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