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-68-Landform and Parent Material sThe Cathedral soilscape group occurs on morainal veneers and blankets ove rbedrock, as well as deeper morainal deposits . The parent materials are calcareous,coarse textured stony till .EnvironmentCathedral map units are generally found in thesubalpine vegetative zone ,occurring between about 1550 and 2000m a .s .l .CM 1 Map Unit (Orthic and Degraded Dystric Brunisols and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols )This map unit is characterized by those soils with distinct reddish B horizons ,which have developed on coarse textured, calcareous glacial till at elevations belo wthe forest-alpine ecotone . These soils have sandy loam to loam textures, generall ycontain less than 30% coarse fragments, and are well drained . Ae horizons areusually present and the depth to free lime is often 1 to 2 meters . Moderately wel lto imperfectly drained inclusions occur along the west side of Cataract Brook .Table 16 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the CM 1 map unit .HorizonDept h(cm )Moist colorEst .CoarseFragments(%)TexturepH(CaC I 2)Organi cMatte r(%)L-F 10-0 very dark grayish brow nAe 0-10 pinkish grayBml 10-25 reddish yellowBm2 25-50 reddish yellow1525153 .5 78fine sandy 3 .5 2 . 2loamgravellyfine sandyloa m4 . 21 . 0loam 4 .3 0 .9BC1 50-95 yellowish brow nBC295-150+ yellowish brown15 loam 4 .9 0. 220 gravelly 5 .8 0 . 1loamDegraded Dystric Bruniso l

L-69-r_ -, _ 1 4Figure 35 . Site of the pedon chosen to characterize the CM1 map unit .Large Engelmann spruce , some subalpine fir and a dense 'r - rground cover of mosses characterize this site . -Figure 36 . DegradedDystric Brunisol soi lchosen to characteriz ethe CM 1 map unit .Lim edoes not occur withi n150 cm, and is probabl yabout 200 cm from th esurface .

-68-Landform and Parent Material sThe Cathedral soilscape group occurs on morainal veneers and blankets ove rbedrock, as well as deeper morainal deposits . The parent materials are calcareous,coarse textured stony till .EnvironmentCathedral map units are generally found in thesubalpine vegetative zone ,occurring between about 1550 and 2000m a .s .l .CM 1 Map Unit (Orthic and Degraded Dystric Brunisols and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols )This map unit is characterized by those soils with distinct reddish B horizons ,which have developed on coarse textured, calcareous glacial till at elevations belo wthe forest-alpine ecotone . These soils have sandy loam to loam textures, generall ycontain less than 30% coarse fragments, and are well drained . Ae horizons areusually present and the depth to free lime is often 1 to 2 meters . Moderately wel lto imperfectly drained inclusions occur along the west side of Cataract Brook .Table 16 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the CM 1 map unit .HorizonDept h(cm )Moist colorEst .CoarseFragments(%)TexturepH(CaC I 2)Organi cMatte r(%)L-F 10-0 very dark grayish brow nAe 0-10 pinkish grayBml 10-25 reddish yellowBm2 25-50 reddish yellow1525153 .5 78fine sandy 3 .5 2 . 2loamgravellyfine sandyloa m4 . 21 . 0loam 4 .3 0 .9BC1 50-95 yellowish brow nBC295-150+ yellowish brown15 loam 4 .9 0. 220 gravelly 5 .8 0 . 1loamDegraded Dystric Bruniso l

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