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-60-Soil development on the fine earth materials, where present, is regosolic or brunisolic .The extreme stoniness causes very severe limitations for recreational an dengineering uses .BG2 Map Unit (Cumulic Regosols plus Cobbleland )This map unit is characterized by those soils, with little horizon developmen tand greater than 50% coarse fragments, which occur on colluvium . Commonly thi smaterial is recognized below cliffs or rock outcroppings which provide the supply o fcolluvial material . The instability of the soils within this map unit is indicated b ythe open tree cover and the high number of stunted and curved trees which are present .Snow avalanching is sometimes associated with parts of this map unit and is designatedas BG 2 +A where the avalanching occurs on less than about 25% of the map unit an dis restricted to well defined chutes, or as BG 2 A where avalanching occurs on greate rthan 25% of the map unit . These soils do not usually have an Ah horizon .Table 12 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the BG2 map uni tHorizonDepth(cm )L- H 1-0 very dark brow nA & Ck 0-32CkMoist Colo rdark brown to brow n32-70+ dark yellowish brow nEst . CoarseHOrgani cFragments Texture (Cp) Mutter(%)(%) 27 .4 4790 VGSiL 7 .4 1 395 VGSiL 7 .5 5 .9Cumulic Regoso lThe extreme stoniness, high coarse fragment content and generally stee pslopes present very severe limitations for recreational and engineering uses on thi smap unit .

igure 26 . Site of the pedon chosen to characterize the BG map unNote the abundant coarse fragments on a 60% slope, wit hidely spaced Douglas fir trees .,. -Figure 27 . Cumulic Regosol soil chosen to characterize the BG2 map unit ,The loo+ dark colored appearance is typica l this map unit .- -r T- „r = .,i - • ,. . - = -

igure 26 . Site of the pedon chosen to characterize the BG map unNote the abundant coarse fragments on a 60% slope, wit hidely spaced Douglas fir trees .,. -Figure 27 . Cumulic Regosol soil chosen to characterize the BG2 map unit ,The loo+ dark colored appearance is typica l this map unit .- -r T- „r = .,i - • ,. . - = -

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