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-58-Landform and Parent Material sThe Burgess soilscape group generally occurs on very steeply to extremel ysloping (30 - 60+ %) colluvial slopes . The parent materials are usually calcareou sand medium textured, but some coarse textured materials are included . The material sgenerally range from gravelly to bouldery .Environmen tThe Burgess soilscape group is found at elevations ranging from valle ybottom to that of the forest-alpine ecotone at about 2,000 m a .s .l ., occurrin gin both the montane and subalpine vegetative zones .Table 11 . Key criteria differentiating the Burgess map units .Coarse Fragment Drainag eSoilscape ClassificationTextureMap Unit Content (%) ClassBoulder field plus Orthicboulders 1-1 0BG1 Regosols and Orthic Eutric SiL-L m in diameter well to rapidl yBrunisol sBG 2BG 3BG4BG 5Cumulic Regosols pluscobblelan dOrthic Regosols and some GSiL-GLOrthic Eutric Brunisol sCumulic Regosols andOrthic Regosol sOrthic Regosols andCumulic Regosol sVGSiL-VGL > 50%well to rapidl y20-50% well to rapidl yGSiL-GL > 20% well to rapidl ySi L < 20% wel lBG 1 Map Unit (Boulder Field plus Orthic Regosols and Orthic Eutric Brunisols )This map unit is characterized by landslide deposits and the occasional soil swhich are developed on them . The materials consist of boulders up to 10 meters i ndiameter with pockets of fine earth material between them . The fine earth material soften consist of translocated till and may make up as much as 30% of the map unit ,but in other areas the boulders are touching and there is little or no fine earth material .

ure 24 . This photo shows the huge boulders and vegetatio n_ associated with the BG 1 map uni, - -Figure 25 . A railway cut through a BG 1 area shows that some finermaterials are to be found below the bouldery surface .

ure 24 . This photo shows the huge boulders and vegetatio n_ associated with the BG 1 map uni, - -Figure 25 . A railway cut through a BG 1 area shows that some finermaterials are to be found below the bouldery surface .

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