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-55-BC2 Map Unit (Orthic and Rego Gleysols )This map unit is characterized by poorly drained, medium textured soils wit hthin organic surface horizons . These soils have developed on alluvium . The texturesare generally silt to silt loam and coarse fragment contents are usually less than 5% .Mottles are present throughout the pedon . In oxbow areas, some submerged soils ma ybe included within this map unit concept .Table 9 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the BC 2 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm )Moist ColorEst . Coarse H Organi cFragmentsMatterTexture (CaCI2)( )( /c )L 1-0Ckgl 0-22Ckg2 22-40Ofb 40-42Ckgb 42-6711Omb 67-80+Rego Gleyso lnot sample dlight brownish gra ygray to light gra yblack to very darkgraygray to light gra yblack to very darkgraynil silt 7 .2 1 . 6nil silt 7 .3 0 . 8ni l not samplednil silt 7 . 2 4 . 6nil - 6 .7 6 1The very poor drainage, high watertable and frequent flooding suggest tha tthis map unit has very severe limitations for most recreational and engineering uses .BC3 Map Unit (Rego Gleysols )This map unit is used to identify the coarse textured, poorly to very poorl ydrained soils developed on fluvial floodplains . These soils generally occur adjacen tto stream channels and may have a variable thickness of medium textured material sdeposited by recent flooding overlying the coarse textured materials . Mottles ar epresent to the soil surface .

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