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-52-BC - Beaverfoot Soilscape GroupPhysiographic SettingFigure 18 . Sketch showing the landscape relationships between Beaverfoot andassociated soilscape groups .Landform and Parent Material sThe Beaverfoot Soilscape group occurs on nearly level to depressional fluvia lplains . The materials are calcareous, stratified, medium and coarse textured recentalluvium .EnvironmentThe Beaverfoot soilscape group occurs on poorly drained valley bottom site sgenerally within the montane vegetative zone, but occasionally extending into th elower part of the subalpine zone at elevations up to about 1600 m a .s .l .

-53-Table 7 . Key criteria differentiating the Beaverfoot map units .Soilscape Coarse Fragmen t DrainageClassification TextureMap Unit Content (%) ClassBC 1 Rego Gleysols (peaty) FSL-SiL < 5% very poorlyBC2 Orthic & Rego Gleysols SiL < 5% very poorlyBC 3 Rego Gleysols SL-FSL 0 - 20% poorl yGSL > 20%BC 1 Map Unit (Rego Gleysols )This map unit is used to identify the very poorly drained, peaty soils indepressional areas of the floodplain . Soils of this map unit have a peaty surface laye r15 to 60 cm thick, consisting of the remains of mosses and sedges . All soils of thi smap unit are medium to fine textured with less than 5% coarse fragments and havevery poor internal drainage . Mottles are present throughout the pedon .Table 8 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the BC 1 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)Om 18- 1Oh 1- 0Ckgl 0- 1Ckg2 1-1 9Ahgb 19-20Ckgb 20-32+Rego Gleyso lMoist Colo rvery dark browndark brow nbluish gra ybluish gra yvery dark brownbluish gra yEst . CoarsepH Organi cFragments TextureMatter(CaC I2)(%) (%)ni l - 6 .6 70nil not sample dnil silt loam not sample dni l silt loam 7 .3 3 . 3nil not sample dnil silt loam 7 .4 -The very poor drainage, high watertable, frequent flooding and organi csurface horizons suggest that this map unit has very severe limitations for mostrecreational and engineering uses.

-53-Table 7 . Key criteria differentiating the Beaverfoot map units .Soilscape Coarse Fragmen t DrainageClassification TextureMap Unit Content (%) ClassBC 1 Rego Gleysols (peaty) FSL-SiL < 5% very poorlyBC2 Orthic & Rego Gleysols SiL < 5% very poorlyBC 3 Rego Gleysols SL-FSL 0 - 20% poorl yGSL > 20%BC 1 Map Unit (Rego Gleysols )This map unit is used to identify the very poorly drained, peaty soils indepressional areas of the floodplain . Soils of this map unit have a peaty surface laye r15 to 60 cm thick, consisting of the remains of mosses and sedges . All soils of thi smap unit are medium to fine textured with less than 5% coarse fragments and havevery poor internal drainage . Mottles are present throughout the pedon .Table 8 . Brief description of the pedon chosen to characterize the BC 1 map unit .HorizonDepth(cm)Om 18- 1Oh 1- 0Ckgl 0- 1Ckg2 1-1 9Ahgb 19-20Ckgb 20-32+Rego Gleyso lMoist Colo rvery dark browndark brow nbluish gra ybluish gra yvery dark brownbluish gra yEst . CoarsepH Organi cFragments TextureMatter(CaC I2)(%) (%)ni l - 6 .6 70nil not sample dnil silt loam not sample dni l silt loam 7 .3 3 . 3nil not sample dnil silt loam 7 .4 -The very poor drainage, high watertable, frequent flooding and organi csurface horizons suggest that this map unit has very severe limitations for mostrecreational and engineering uses.

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