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(Contents - cont . . )PageFIGURES1 Location of Yoho National Park 22 Vestiges of alpine glaciers occur throughout Yoho 83 A cirque; typical of many in Yoho 94 . McArthur Creek ; a typical U-shaped valley 95 . Twin Falls; an illustration of a hanging valley 96 . Drainage systems of Yoho National Park 1 37 . Gentle gradients result in a braided stream 1 58 . Opabin Lake, a small cirque basin lake 1 59 . Mean monthly temperature and precipitation 1 910 . Average annual precipitation in Yoho 2211 . Schematic diagram of a soil profile 2412 . Stereo-triplet showing landforms 3013 . Oblique photo showing the landforms delineated in Fig .12 3 114 . Stereo-triplet showing soilscape map units 3215 . Oblique photo showing the map units delineated in Fig .14 . 3316 . Sampling locations of the pedons chosen to represen tmap units 3517 . Symbols used in the sketches in Part Ill 5 118 . Landscape relationships between Beaverfoot andassociated soi Iscape groups 5219 . Site characteristic of BC1 map unit 5420 . Pedon characteristic of BC1 map unit 5421 . Site characteristic of BC3 map unit 5622 . Pedon characteristic of BC3 map unit 5623 . Landscape relationships between Burgess an dassociated soilscape groups 5724 . Site characteristic of BG1 map unit 5925 . Materials characteristic of BG1 map unit 59

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