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Table 6 . Key to major characteristics of the soilscape map units .TERRAIN UNITSOILSCAPE SOILSCAPELANDFORM MATERIALS GROUP MAP UNI TCalcareousHR 1Glaciofluvial stratifiedHaygarthterraceLS-SiLHR 2Calcareous Takakkaw TA 1stratified G &VGL SFloodplainFan*LacustrineveneerMoraineColluvialslopesSOIL SUBGROUP COARSE VEGETATIO NTEXTURE DRAINAGE COMMENTSCLASSIFICATION FRAGMENTS ZONEOutwash sand; intergrade to Humo-Ferric Podzols .Degraded Eutric Brunisols LS less than 10% D1-D2 Subalpine Coarse fragments generally less than 5% ; mainl ygravels .Degraded Eutric Brunisols10 - 20%SrD2 Subalpine & Montane Ice contact stratified drift ; valley train deposit .D~ raded Eutric Brunisol s SiL Oecasionany Tummocky laioluvialincluac~less& Humo-Ferric Podzols GSL more than 20% Dl-D2 Subalpine gravel near surface .Orthic Regosols & Cumulic FSL-SiL 0 - 20% Often droughty because of low water table if n oKI 1Regosols GSL more than 20%D3 Montane rain ; generally less than 75 cm to gravell y or veryCalcareousKicking Hors egravelly strata .stratifiedFSL-Si LK12Gleyed Orthic Regosols & FSL-SiL 0 - 20%D4 MontaneGenerally less than 75 cm to gravelly or ver y_--- Gleyed Cumulic Regosols GSL more than 20% gravelly strata .---over GS LOtterhead OT 1 Degraded Eutric BrunisolsFSL-SiL 0 - 20%VGSL_VGLS more than 20% D2Montane Generally less than 25 cm to gravels, some D3 .- ------------------Calcareous-BC 1 R o Gle sols eat FSL-SiL less Tian 5 tane Possibl some D5 fr uenT flooded .stratified SL &BC2 Orthic and Rego GleysolsBeaverfootSiL less than 5% D6 Montane Possibly some D5, frequently flooded .SiL alluvium BC 3 Rego GleysolsSL-FSL 0 - 20%GSL more than 20 ° %D5-D6 Montane Some areas artificially drained .WR 1*Orthic Regosols and Cumuli cRegosolsGSL-GLS 20 - 50% D2 Montane & Subalpine Effervescent to the surfac eCumulic Regosols & Orthi Steeply sloping ; cobbles and boulders common ; darkWR2 *cRegosolGL-GSL more than 40% D1-D2sSubalpine & Montane colored, non-turfy Ah ; often mechanical mixture ofraw organic matter and mineral matter .* Orthic Regosols & Cumulic SiL less than 20% Often few coarse fragments near surface; gravell yCalcareousWatchtower WR 3RegosolsD2GSL 20 - 50%Montanebelow .stratified coarsetextured gravelly WR4 * Gleyed Orthic Regosols & Deep medium textured ; calcareous to surface;Gleyed Cumulic RegosolsSiL less than 20% D3 Montaneand very gravellyfew coarse fragments .alluviumWR5* Gleyed Orthic Regosols GFSL-GSiL 20 - 50% D4 Subalpine & Montane Gleyed equivalent of WR3; generally less than 5%coarse fragments .Clawson CO1*G--Si LOrthic Eutric Brunisols20- 50%VGSLapprox . 50%D2 Montane Represents the few stable fans in Yoho .Hoodoo HO1 *Rego GleysoTs & ~rTiicSiL-FSL less than 10% D5 MontaneFew coarseragments, especially nea i- Gleysols surface .No n-calcareous Opabin OP 1 * Cumulic Regosols VGSL-SiL 20 - 50% D3 SubalpineCoarse fragmentsation) ;stratified coarse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lake O'Hara area .-textured gravelly Mollison MO1* Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols GSL-GLS 20- 50% D2-D3 MontaneZoarse Fragments are mainly grannie gravls anrrocobbles; Ice River Vall e and cobbly Y 'al luvium Wiwaxy WI1 * Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols VGLSPP Perauooipinemore than/50% D3 Meadow Subalpine meadow below tree line; frost hollow .Calcareouswell sorted Dennis DS1 Degraded Eutric Brunisols SiL-SiCL less than 10% D2 Montane & Subalpine over Small lacustrine pockets often approx . 75 cm thic ksiltstill .OL1 Degraded Eutric Brunisols SiL 10 - 20% D2 Montane"Washed till", lime at 40 - 75 em ; warmer an ddrier climate than OG 1 .Calcareou sOttertai lOL2Gleyed Melanic Brunisols & SiL less than5%non-stratifiedD4 Montane &Subalpine Some members of this map unit have gravels at orGleyed Eutric Brunisolsmedium20 - 50% near the surface .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------texturedOG 1Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols & SiL less than 20% D2Degraded Eutric Brunisol sSubalpine Mainly at higher elevations in the side volleys .stony tillOgdenOG2 Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols SiLless than 5°%approx . 20%D2 Subalpine Silty surficial deposit over silt loam till .Tocher TO1 Cumulic Regosols L-SiL less than 50% D2 Subalpine & Montane Eroding steep slopes ; calcareous to the mineral surface .--------------------------------------- Rego fTumi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-Calcareous Vanguard VA 1 SiL SL 5 20% D5 D6 Subalpine Poorly drained associate of OGI, CMI, and OHI .non-stratifiedGleysols meaty) ----medium and Odaray OD 1 Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols SiL-SL 20 - 50% D2 Upper SubalpineAlpine larca, alpine fir, neather; tin "turfy"coarse textured Ah_ 2000 to 2150 m a .s.l .Sombric Humo-Ferric"Turfy" An ; generally above'z150 m a .s .l.,• complex p-stony till Schaffer SK 1 SiL-GSL less than 50%PodzolsD2-D3 Krummholz & Alpin eand variable soil and vegetationpatterns .CalcareousDegraded Dystri ccoarse textured Cathedral CM 1 Brunisols & Orthic SL-GSL 10 - 25% D2-D3 SubalpineMainly the Cataract Brook and the Porcupine Creekstony till Humo-Ferric Podzols valleys; occasional seepage inclusions .Non-calcareouO'Hara OH iOrthic Humo-Ferri Podzols & GLS-SL15 - 30k D2 Subalpineome imperfectly drained soils as inclusions ; boulderscoarse textured till Degraded Dystric Brunisols common ; surface 10 to 25 cm is FSL-SiL .BG 1Boulder field plus someSL-LbouldersDl-D2 SubalpineRock slide areas ; soil covers 10-20% of the area ;Orthic Regosols 2 - 10 m diam . the rest is covered with large boulders .BG 2Cumulic Regosols and V . Cobblycobble landmore than 50% D1-D2VGSi LSubalpine & Montane Steep vegetated slopes ; often below cliffs .Burgess BG 3Orthic Regosols & som eOrthic Eutric BrunisolsGSiL-G L 20 - 50% D1-D2 Subalpine & Montan eUnstable colluvial slopes with fewer coarsefragments than BG 2 .GenerallyBG4Cumulic Regosols & Orthi cGSiL-GSLRegosol smore than 20% D2-D3 Subalpine & MontaneNon-turfy, dark colored Ah ; snow avalanchedcalcareous coars eareas ; coarse fragments variable .and some mediumOrthic Regosols & CumulicBG5SiL less than 20% D2 SubalpineDerived from medium textured shales andtexturedRegosols------------------sc_hists .cobbl y -F loat FL1Orthic Eutric Brunisols & GSiL-GL 10 - 30% D2 Subalpine Sometimes developed on non-calcareous residua l ---bouldery andOrthic Humo-Ferric Podzols material near ridge tops .gravell y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---- -- --- -NilesNI1Lithic Orthic Eutric Brunisols SiL-Lless than 50% Dl-D2 Subalpine ine & Montane m arrial (l s thane a esidulcolluvium& Lithic Orthic Regosols R ateral (less than 50 cm to bedrock) .(- --------------------Orthfc - umo-Ferric5 1 1PodzolsSiL-SL less than 50% D2 Upper $ubal ine"Turfy" A l i , generally 2000 to 2150 m a .s . j ,Silverslope& Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols often modified residual parent material .51 2Lithic Humo-Ferric Podzols SiL-SL Same as 511 except shallow (less than 50 cm )____& Lithic Eutricless than 50% D2BrunisoIsRUpper Subalpine to bedrock .YO0 ~Sombric Humo-FerricSiL-SL less than 50% D2Krummholz & Alpine "Turf "Za eneralT yr9 -- more than 2150 m a .s T . ,OttoPodzols often modified residual parent material .Lithic SombricL-S LSome as 001 except shallow (less than 50 cm) o n00 2Humo-Ferric Podzolsless than 50% D2 Krummholz & Alpine rock benches and ridge tops, and often on undi -R \ fferentiated Parent materials .NaraoNA 1 Terric Mesisols sedge derived " D6 Montane Organic soil area around Narao Lake .NA2 Terric Mesic Fibrisols moss derived D6 Subalpine Organic soil areas in the Beaverfoot River area .* These soilscape unit descriptions describe soils in approximately the mid-fan position . Almost every fan can vary from cobbly sand through thin sandy loam over gravel to fine sandy loam or silt loam and drainag eclasses from rapidly to poorly or very poorly drained .SPECIAL LAND UNITSA Used as a suffix to indicate modification of soilscape by repeated snow slides or avalanche sif greater than 25% and + if less than 25% of the map area is affected) .YBp Borrow Pit .Er Eroded areas where soil creep and erosion is so active as to prevent vegetation growth .m Recent moraine, unvegetated .SC Cobble land associated with stream channels .T Talus and coalescing talus cones .R Rock, bedrock and fractured bedrock stable enough so that talus cones are not evident .W Water body .SOIL TEXTURAL CLASSE SPercentages of clay and sand in the main textura lclasses of soils; the remainder of each class is silt .Some of the abbreviations used in the table are givenin parentheses in the triangle . Other abbreviationsinclude:G - gravell yVC - very coarse san dC - coarse san dF - fine sandVF - very fine sandCF - coarse fragments(2 mm to 25 cm )DRAINAGE CLASSE SD1 - Rapidly drainedD2 - Well drainedD3 - Moderately well draine dD4 - Imperfectly draine dD5 - Poorly drainedD6 - Very poorly drained

-51 -LEGENDParent material.colluviurntak.s1\ j- .. ' ,O V C' o0 0 0Q 00_ O%tilllacustrineoutwashcoarse textured alluviumfine textured alluviumWgshrtion .alpine shrubsshrubswetland shrubsIodgepole pinesprucesubaipine firavalanched area complex a aspenkrummholz .~Figure 17 . Symbols used in the sketches in Part III to identify th ecomponents of the physiographic .settings of the map units .

-51 -LEGENDParent material.colluviurntak.s1\ j- .. ' ,O V C' o0 0 0Q 00_ O%tilllacustrineoutwashcoarse textured alluviumfine textured alluviumWgshrtion .alpine shrubsshrubswetland shrubsIodgepole pinesprucesubaipine firavalanched area complex a aspenkrummholz .~Figure 17 . Symbols used in the sketches in Part III to identify th ecomponents of the physiographic .settings of the map units .

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