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-40-CONVENTION FOR MAP UNIT SYMBOL SSoilscape map unit concepts are identified on the soils maps (in thepocket at the back of the report) using symbols such as the one below . The symbo lrecords a composite of all the information obtained during the course of the surveypertaining to the designated polygon .r ~M . Musoi Iscape map unit (always two upper case plus a numeral )DS 1 ~'~LGv :E.-topography [upper or lower case (CSSC 1974) ]landform (often only a numerator in the landform symbol) .Both numerator and denominator can have superscript an dsubscript .The first two letters of the numerator in the map symbol identify th esoilscape group name and the number identifies the soilscape map unit name withi nthe given soilscape group . The map unitdescriptions (Part III) provide more detaile dinformation characterizing the map units as identified in the numerator . The entireleft element in the deonminator identifies the landform associated with the ma pdelineation (Table 3) . The horizontal line indicates that a landform with shallo wmaterials overlays another landform and material without completely masking th eburied landform . The right element of the denominator identifies the dominan tslope within the map delineation . The map symbol above signifies that within thedelineation a non-stony, medium textured Brunisolic soil is developed on a glaciolacustrineveneer over an undulating morainal deposit on a 9 to 15% slope .In general the complex symbols such as Mb :H+ CGH were notnecessary because the units could be cartographically separated .In some cases it may have been possible to have avoided establishin ga new map unit concept by using a complex symbol . However when a complex symbo lis used the response of the so designated map unit to any proposed use may be differentthan that of either of the component map concepts . Thus, the complex symbo l

-41 -must be treated as an independent map unit for the purposes of interpreting it sresponse to use, and in this report most such cases have been treated as an independentmap concept and given a unique symbol .There are two notable exceptions to the foregoing . Areas withsignificant rock outcrops or snow avalanche tracks were designated with comple xsymbols as follows:1) Where rock covers greater than about 20% of the landscape but lessthan about 50% R follows the soil identifying symbol ,e .g .MGH + R ' ~2) Where rock covers greater than about 50% of the landscape but lessthan about 80% R preceeds the soil identifying symbol ,4 OG 1e .g . R +Mv :H3) Where snow avalanche tracks are narrow, isolated and cover less tha n25% of the landscape the symbol would be similar to ;OG1 0-Mv:H + A4) Where snow avalanche tracks are in broad bands, merging and/o rcover greater than 25% of the landscape the symbol would b esimilar to ;OG 1 AMv:H>L-

-41 -must be treated as an independent map unit for the purposes of interpreting it sresponse to use, and in this report most such cases have been treated as an independentmap concept and given a unique symbol .There are two notable exceptions to the foregoing . Areas withsignificant rock outcrops or snow avalanche tracks were designated with comple xsymbols as follows:1) Where rock covers greater than about 20% of the landscape but lessthan about 50% R follows the soil identifying symbol ,e .g .MGH + R ' ~2) Where rock covers greater than about 50% of the landscape but lessthan about 80% R preceeds the soil identifying symbol ,4 OG 1e .g . R +Mv :H3) Where snow avalanche tracks are narrow, isolated and cover less tha n25% of the landscape the symbol would be similar to ;OG1 0-Mv:H + A4) Where snow avalanche tracks are in broad bands, merging and/o rcover greater than 25% of the landscape the symbol would b esimilar to ;OG 1 AMv:H>L-

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